200px pancho villa horseback

Wilson and the Mexican Revolution, Holt 17.4

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    Portfirio Diaz

    Dictator Porfirio Díaz ruled Mexico for most of the period from 1877 to 1910. He brought stability to Mexico but jailed his opponents and did not allow freedom of the press. He received foreign investment money, used to modernize Mexico. However, most Mexicans did not enjoy the benefits of this modernization and lived in poverty.
  • Corrupt Election of 1910

    Corrupt Election of 1910
    In the 1910 election, Díaz jailed his opponent, Francisco Madero. He also controlled the outcome of the election. When ballots were counted, he received a million votes while Madero had fewer than 200. When released from jail in September 1910, Madero fled to Texas, declared himself the Mexican president, and called for a revolution.
  • Zapata, Villa and Orozco lead revolts throughout Mexico

    Zapata, Villa and Orozco lead revolts throughout Mexico
    In the south, Emiliano Zapata seized land by force because he wanted land returned to the native peoples. In the north, Francisco “Pancho” Villa and Pascual Orozco led a revolt against Díaz.
  • Díaz resigns and flees to France.

    Díaz resigns and flees to France.
    "Pancho" Villa's rebellion spreads and forces Diaz to resign as President and Diaz flees to France.
  • Francisco Madero Elected President of Mexico

    Francisco Madero Elected President of Mexico
    Madero tries to establish a democratic government in Mexico.
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    Madero is President of Mexico.

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    Victoriano Huerta is President of Mexico

    Four armies then rose up against Huerta, continuing the instability in the region. Many countries recognized Huerta as President, however President Woodrow Wilson did not. He saw him as an assasin.
  • Huerta overthrows Madero and becomes President

    Huerta overthrows Madero and becomes President
  • President Woodrow Wilson authorizes arms to be sold to Huerta's enemies

    President Woodrow Wilson authorizes arms to be sold to Huerta's enemies
  • Tampico Incident

    Tampico Incident
    In April 9, 1914, nine U.S. soldiers were arrested, and quickly released, by soldiers of Huerta. Mexican officials also apologized. However, the U.S. demanded a more formal apology and a salute to the American flag. Huerta refused. Congress approved a request by President Wilson to use force against Mexico on April 22.
  • Battle and Occupation of Veracruz by US

    Battle and Occupation of Veracruz by US
    While Congress approved the use of force, a German ship loaded with weapons was heading to the Mexican port city of Veracruz. Wilson ordered the U.S. Navy to seize the city. 17 Americans and 300 Mexicans died during the Battle of Veracruz. The city was occupied for the next six months. War was avoided due to mediation by Argentina, Brazil, and Chile. Huerta struggled to stay in power. Pressure mounted against him within Mexico and beyond.
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    US occupies Veracruz

  • Congress approves use of force in Mexico

    Congress approves use of force in Mexico
  • Huerta resigns and flees to Spain

    Huerta resigns and flees to Spain
    After being called to resign by the US in June, Huerta flees to Spain.
  • Venustiano Carranza declares self President of Mexico

    Venustiano Carranza declares self President of Mexico
    A power struggle between Carranza and Pancho Villa begins. The US fears Villa and his land distribution policy, so the US backs Carranza.
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    Venustiano Carranza is President of Mexico

  • Pancho Villa attacks Columbus, New Mexico

    Pancho Villa attacks Columbus, New Mexico
    Because Wilson supported Carranza, Villa led hundreds of troops to New Mexico, striking the small town of Columbus. The town was burned, and 17 Americans were killed. It marked the first armed invasion of the continental United States since the War of 1812.
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    US troops unsuccessfully search for Pancho Villa

    President Wilson ordered General John J. Pershing to lead more than 10,000 troops into Mexico to search for Villa. They searched for 11 months, but were not able to find him. The search was called off and troops taken out of Mexico; nevertheless, relations between Mexico and the United States were strained.
  • A new Constitution is established in Mexico

    A new Constitution is established in Mexico
    Carranza put a new constitution into effect on February 5, 1917. Fighting in Mexico continued until 1920, however, and many Mexicans immigrated to the United States in search of a more stable life.