1600 1700

What went down 1600-1700 AD

By chlo$$
  • The English Arrive

    The Susan Constant, the Discovery, and the Godspeed, arrive on the coast of Virginia and continue to advance the James River for forty miles until arriving at Jamestown Island.
  • Smith, John Smith

    The first English settlement on the new continent is officialized by the appointing of the governing council, including John Smith.
  • Ma Terre Maintenant

    Samuel Champlain discovers Lake Champlain and claims Vermont for the Kingdom of France.
  • A Disney Movie is Born

    Young Pocahontas is married to John Rolfe of Jamestown in hopes of peace.
  • Pre-Vaccine

    A large wave of smallpox brought by the Anglos wipes out 90% of Native Americans living in the Massachusetts Bay area.
  • The Dutch Ruin Much

    Dutch sailors arrive in Jamestown with African indentured servants for sale.
  • Government is born

    Members for the House of Burgesses, the first representative assembly to be held in America, are elected in Jamestown.
  • The Pilgrims Arrive

    A Puritan group, later to be known as the Pilgrims, lands on Plymouth Rock and decides to begin colonizing.
  • Mayflower Compact

    The Mayflower Compact is drafted and the Pilgrims' government is solidified.
  • Gobble Gobble

    The first Thanksgiving is held between the Pilgrims and the Wampanoag tribe in Plymouth Rock. It lasted three days.
  • Pre-Inflation

    Peter Minuit, a Dutchman, buys an island from the Man-a-hat-a Indians for $24 and accordingly named it Manhattan.
  • San Bernardino

    The first permanent mission, San Bernardino, was established in modern-day Arizona by Spanish settlers.
  • Maryland Arrives

    A Catholic colony, Maryland, is created to promote religious tolerance (specifically towards Catholics).
  • Rhode Island Arrives

    After being banished from the Massachusets Bay Colony, Roger Williams founded Providence, Rhode Island as a place for the seperation of Church and State.
  • Pequot War Begins

    Pequot tribes join forces to fight against the colonization of Massachusetts, Plymouth, and Saybrook groups.
  • Pequot War Ends

    By the time the Treaty of Hartford ended the Pequot War, two hundred members of the Pequot were all that remained.
  • It Begins

    The Massachusettes colony legalizes slavery.
  • The Final Stand

    Opchanacanough and Powhatan tribe members attack Jamestown as a last resort against the ever growing colony but were completely unsuccessful.
  • Slavery is Popularized

    Slavery is acknowledged by the American colonies after being legalized in Connecticut.
  • Hover Parent

    British Parliament passes the Navigation act in order to control trade in the colonies.
  • New York Arrives

    New Netherlands is peacefully taken from the Dutch by British troops and given to the Duke of York.
  • The Natives Strike Back

    King Philip's War begins when Metacom Indian made a stand to regain their land from New England colonies, effectively destroying twelve towns.
  • Bacon's Rebellion

    Nathanial Bacon leads farmers in a rebellion against Governor Berkeley of Jamestown.
  • C'est Aussi le Mien

    France claims Louisiana once Robert Cavelier explores the area and finds it acceptable.
  • Pennsylvania Arrives

    William Penn signs a treaty with the Delaware Indians to buy the land which he settles and would later dub Pennsylvania.
  • Censorship

    The first newspaper in the US publishes its first issue in Boston but is quickly suppressed due to negative comments towards the British.
  • Migration

    Jamestown's governing body moves to Williamsburg after the statehouse is burned down.