What Led to This 4/5 M. B.

By mb2013
  • Jan 1, 1215

    Magna Carta was signed

    This made the power equal and not all power was given to one person.
    From this link, i learned about how the magna carta affected the king and his people especially the nobles.
  • Jan 1, 1400

    Native American Regions of North Mexico

    Two of the major cultural regions in were California and Great Basin.
  • First Permanent English Colony

    The name was Jamestown.
    The name of the group of merchants that founded Jamestown is called The London Company.
  • English Take Control of New Netherlands

    The colony was renamed New York.
  • First African slaves brought to Jamestown, Virginia

    They were brought there to work on the tobacco fields.
  • Mayflower Compact

    The purpose of this document was so that the pilgrims could govern themselves.
  • The First Thanksgiving of pilgirms and Indians

    They competed gun and bow shooting in between the meals that they had during the thanksgiving.
  • America's First Law Guranteeing Religious Liberty Passed

    The law was called Maryland Toleration Act.
  • Fear of Witchcraft in Salem, Massachusetts

  • Enslaved Africans living in every colony

  • First Great Awakening Begins

    This movement was started because a man was questioning the role of the individual in society.
  • 13 British Colonies established

  • King George was crowned

  • Quartering Act

    The law required the americans to house the british soldiers. http://www.history.org/history/teaching/tchcrsta.cfm
    From this link, we learned how unfair it was to american colonists to pay heavy taxes on each piece of paper they bought
  • Townshend Act

    This law required taxes or common items.
  • First Continental Congress

  • Revolutionary War begins

  • Paul Revere warns colonist of the British

  • Common Sense was published

    The author of this pamphlet was Thomas Paine.
  • Second Continental Congress

  • Delegates sign the Declaration of Independence

  • Parliament passes the Intolerable Acts

  • Parliament passes Intolerable Acts

  • British surrender to American troops

    The country that had become and ally of America was France.
  • Treaty of Paris was signed

    British agreed to recognize America as an independent country.