what is money

  • what is barter

    what is barter
    barter is a exchange of resources or services for mutal advantage and practice likely dates back tens thousands of years
  • cattle

    throughout history .and across the globe have included not only cows ,but also sheep , camels and other overstock are the first and oldest form of money
  • first metal of money

    first metal of money
    the bronze and copper cowrie imitations were manufactured .by china
  • modern coinage

    modern coinage
    outside of china the first coins developed out of lumps of silver . they soon took there familiar shape today
  • leather money

    leather money
    leather mony was used in china in the form of one one - foot square pieces . of white deerskin.
  • what is money

    what is money
    By definition, it's something of value. But over the last 10,000 years, the material form that money has taken has changed considerably
  • cowrie shell

    cowrie shell
    The first use of cowries, the shells of a mollusc that was widely available in the shallow waters of the Pacific and Indian Oceans, was in China. Historically, many societies have used cowries as money,
  • The nose

    The nose
    ' To pay through the nose' comes from dranes in ireland who would split noses that refused to pay there balance that they owed.
  • paper currency

    paper currency
    this is known as banknotes that appeared in china that all experienced iiver 500 of early paper money
  • potlach

    comes from chinook indian custom that existed in many north american indian cultures.
  • 1535: WAMPUM

    1535: WAMPUM
    The earliest known use of wampum, which are strings of beads made from clam shells

    gold was mad with value in england in 1816 at that time there were guidelines made to allow for a non- fictionary production of standard banknotes
  • end of the standard

    end of the standard
    the massive depression of the 1930s , felt worldwide and marked the beginning of the end of the gold standard in the united states
  • The present

    The present
    currency continues to change and develope , as evidence by the new $100 US
  • the future: electronic money

    the future: electronic money
    economic transactions regulary take place electroically without the exchange of only physical currency.