WH Final Project

  • Period: 200 to 900


    Location: Southern Mexico
    Accomplishment: They developed glyphs and a number system. These two things impacted many aspects of their day to day life and was a huge advancement.
  • Period: 319 to 550

    Gupta Empire

    Location: Northeastern India
    Accomplishment: The Gupta came up with negative numbers and developed the step well which was critical for them storing water during the dry season.
  • Period: 330 to 1453

    Byzantine Empire

    Location: Areas around the Mediterranean Sea
    Accomplishment: Built the architectural wonder, the Hagia Sophia, and created a set legal system using the Justinian Code. They also got rid of old Roman laws that didn't make sense.
  • Period: 601 to 1240


    Location: Western Africa
    Accomplishment: By controlling the gold trade they were able to amass great wealth and develop large cities.
  • Period: 618 to

    Imperial China

    Location: East Asia
    Accomplishment: They came up with a way to make paper, developed printing techniques, and discovered gunpowder along with developing the compass. These were all major achievements.
  • Period: 632 to 1258

    Muslim Empire

    Location: Middle East
    Accomplishment: They learned to make paper and started binding books. They also had accomplishments in math that made business easier including spreading the concept of 0.
  • Period: 794 to


    Location: East Coast of Asia
    Accomplishment: They developed the Code of Bushido which was a code of conduct that has impacted ancient Japan and still plays a role in their modern day society.
  • Period: 800 to

    Holy Roman Empire

    Location: Western and Central Europe
    Accomplishment: Organized themselves in a feudal system which worked well with land being passed down and loyalty being passed up.
  • Period: 1235 to


    Location: West Africa
    Accomplishment: Became recognized in Europe due to Mansa Musa's Hajj where he traveled a great distance to Mecca and showing off Mali's wealth.
  • Period: 1400 to 1532


    Location: Andes Mountains of South America
    Accomplishment: Developed quipus to better transport messages and had an extensive system of roads that was crucial for managing their vast empire.
  • Period: 1401 to


    Location: West Africa
    Accomplishment: Their city of Timbuktu became a center of learning with all of its universities. These centers of learning contributed advances in culture and technology.
  • Period: 1428 to 1519


    Location: Northern Mexico
    Accomplishment: They developed a tribute system which was vital to controlling their empire. They also build chinampas(artificial islands) to expand their island capital which required a good amount of technology to execute properly.