Bundesarchiv bild183 r57262, werner heisenberg

Werner Heisenberg Timeline

  • Place of birth/date

    Place of birth/date
    Werner Karl Heisenberg was born in 1901 in Wurzburg, Germany (Beyler)
  • Ludwig Maximillian University of Munich

    Ludwig Maximillian University of Munich
    In 1920 Werner Heisenberg attended the Ludwig Maximillian University of Munich with such high levels of mathematics that even his teachers at Maximillian-gymnasium were impressed. There he switched to study physics instead of mathematics. (Beyler)
  • Ph.D

    In 1923 Werner followed in the footsteps of the Danish Physicist Niels Bohr to write a dissertation on hydrodynamics. The work on hydrodynamics accredited him with a Ph.D. (Beyler)
  • Venia Lengendi

    Venia Lengendi
    Completing a post doctorial lecture qualification "venia lengendi" at the University at Gottingen Werner was able to independently hold lectures in specific subjects. (NobelPrizeOutreach)
  • Nobel Prize

    Nobel Prize
    Following Niel Bohr's theory on how electrons absorb and emit radiation Werner took it a step further to show quantum mechanics based on matrices. Matrix mechanics allowed for a broader spectrum on more difficult atoms and molecules. (NobelPrizeOutreach)
  • Professor of physics

    Professor of physics
    Closely working with Niels Bohr in 1926, and then becoming a professor of theoretical physics at the University at Leipzig in 1927 helped Werner gain enough recognition to be hired on as a Professor of Physics at the University of Berlin and the director of Physics at the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute. Not to mention the time he spent lecturing in Japan, America, and India also contributed to this great accomplishment. (NobelPrizeOutreach)
  • Race for Nuclear Power

    Race for Nuclear Power
    Werner Heisenberg was a key player in the race against allied countries in the making of a nuclear weapon. He was directly apart of the German Atomic Program. Werner informed the Nazi architect Albert Speer it was not possible to be done before 1945. Eventually we know from history that the allied forces through the Manhattan project was able to create a nuclear weapon. (NuclearMuseum)
  • Death

    Werner Heisenberg passed away in Munich, West Germany in the year 1976. (Beyler)
  • Heisenberg Summary

    Heisenberg Summary
  • My synopsis of Werner Heisenberg

    My synopsis of Werner Heisenberg
    Werner Heisenberg played an instrumental role on how quantum mechanics are used today. His achievement's throughout his life are a testament of the resilience he had to pursue science. To able to win a Nobel prize at the age of 31 is brilliant. His work and dedication to the scientific community will have a lasting impact for years to come.
  • Citation

    Beyler, Richard. “Werner Heisenberg | Biography, Nobel Prize, and Facts.” Encyclopedia Britannica, 28 Jan. 2023, www.britannica.com/biography/Werner-Heisenberg. Werner Heisenberg – Facts. NobelPrize.org. Nobel Prize Outreach AB 2023. Sat. 25 Mar 2023. https://www.nobelprize.org/prizes/physics/1932/heisenberg/facts/ “Werner Heisenberg.” Nuclear Museum, https://ahf.nuclearmuseum.org/ahf/profile/werner-heisenberg/