Waves of Immigration to Canada

  • Jan 1, 1000


    The aboriginal peoples came from 20 000 BCE to 10 000 BCE. They settled across North America developing different ways of life based on different enviroments. Aboriginal peoples are rumoured to have been following a food source into North America. aproximatly 500 000 Aboriginals lived in North America when europeans arived.
  • French Explorers

    The French explorers came from 1600 to 1760 and settled in Quebec. They came here trying to find gold and other precious stones, but instead they found furs and fish. By 1666 about 3 200 people lived in the french colony, by 1759 the population had grown to 65 000.
  • The Great Migration

    From 1815 to 1850 British and other european countries left their homes due to tons of unemployment, and promises of jobs in the west. They setteled all across Canada, 60 percent of the immigrants who came to Canada were British
  • Post Confederation Immigration

    From 1867 to 1914 right after Canada became a nation in 1867, settlers from Ontario started to move west. Starting in 1871 the government made a series of treaties with the first nation people living between Ontario and Brithish columbia, forcing them to leave there lands and make room for new arivals. The only problem was new arivals didn't come. This wave of migration had europeans that saw the add promising them 160 acres of land.
  • Post War and Mid-Twentieth-Century Immigration

    Non British people from european and other backgrounds came from 1919 to 1969, they settled all over Canada. After 1918 Canada became a good place to live to those who were struggling through the challenges caused by the war. About 1.5 million immigrants came to Canada during the 1920's
  • Recent Immigration Patterns

    From 1970 to present day fewer Europeans came to Canada beacause of Europe's recovered economy, instead we got immigrants from other places such as the Caribbean, Latin America, Africa, and new areas in Asia due to our need for skilled workers. These people were in need of jobs, so they came for the job oppertunities. They settled mainly in Vancouver and Toronto. The new immigrants that came were mostly all professionals in their trait, boosting Canada's economic growth.