Wars Burton,Peoples

  • Battle Of Bunker Hill

    The war occured in Boston.The British failed their first two charges .The third charge they captured the hills only because the Patriots ran out of amnnution .The British won the battle but they suffered the most .BUt The Patriots won phslically
  • Battle of Trenton

    The British decided to attack New York City .The Britsh attacked on Christmas Night And took the victory
  • Battle Of The Princenton

    Washington Won over another victory .However they suffered more defeats .In the fall he lost in Philadephia to Howe's Army
  • native americans

    they promised to keep the colonist in the east and they increased attacks on colonial settlemanets
  • valley forge

    in philadelphia, the soldiers suffered from a lack of supplies and food. a third of his 10000 men had no coats or shoes
  • Saratoga

    Located in New York .John Burgoyne and his British army marched to attack New York .They fell into the Patriots traps and surrendered in October. the patriots won
  • French

    They limted their assistance to secret shipment of arms and ammunition
  • Monmouth

    In Jersey .The Continental soldiers demonstrated their improved disipline under fire .British took the victory
  • Fort At Vincennes

    They limted their assitan to seceret shipments of arms ammunitation