War (huh) What Is It Good For? -- WWI Project

  • The Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinan

    The Archduke was shot and killed in the capital of Bosnia-Herzegovina, by Gavrilo Princip. It was a premeditated plot, supported by the Black Hand terrorist group. His first attempt was during their drive, when he threw a bomb, but it bounce off a folded roof and under another vehicle. While fleeing from pursuit, Princip tried to commit suicide, shouting "I am a Serbian hero!" He continued his plot, and took two point blank shots at the Archduke and his wife when the driver took a wrong turn.
  • Austria-Hungary Ultimatum

    Austria-Hungary gives Serbia an ultimatum that all anti-Austria propaganda be suppressed and that he Austria government be able to preform their own investigation of the Archduke's murder.
  • Austria-Hungary Declares War On Serbia

    One month after the Archduke's death, Austria declares war on Serbia, despite Serbia accepting all but one ultimatums. Austria decides to continue their military preparedness measures of an attack on the country. Meanwhile, Russia (Serbia's ally) was alerted and began their own mobilization measures of Austria. This is the started of World War 1.
  • Germany Invades Belgium

    In an attempt to capture Paris, Germany demands free passage through Belgium. In an effort to remain neutral, Belgium denied their demands, which led to the German army invading. Belgium soon joined the allies to try to defeat Germany, but were no match and were quickly taken over. With the advance of the Germans, French and British troops were forced to retreat towards the Westhoek.
  • The Battle of Tannenberg

    Germany strikes with lethal force against the advancing Russian army. Russia's planned to come from three sides of Prussia and pin Germany between two armies. The plan was foiled by a lake, when two of the three armies were unable to communicate (massive casualties). The Germans encoded messages from Russian generals and take them by surprise near Tannenberg Village. They battled for three days before Russia retreated; but the German's blocked their paths and caused massive slaughter.
  • Aleksandr Samsonov Dies (Not Major)

    Russian General, Aleksandr Samsonov couldn't take the weight of his army's collapse and went into the woods and shot himself.
  • The Sinking Of The Lucitania

    A German U-Boat torpedoed and sunk the RMS Lusitania. More than 1,110 out of the 1,900 passengers perished; 250 being Americans. Before the sinking, the Captain was warned by the British to steer clear of German invaded waters around the U.K.; and even Germany claimed that Americans should do so at their own risk. Prior to the sinking, Germany announced unrestricted submarine warfare; but the U.S. would not enter the war for almost two years after; and turned the public opinion against Germany.
  • America Enters the War

    The U.S. was originally neutral at the beginning of the war. Tensions began to rise between America and Germany when the latter's tried to quarantine the British Isles from German weapons; because Germany continually sinks British and American ships--despite their government saying they wouldn't without warning. Congress passed a $250 million arms appropriation bill to prepare America for the war. In June, America would send troops to France for training.
  • Russia Leaves the War

    Russia signs the Treaty Brest-Litvosk with the Central Powers, which effectively removed Russia from the Allied war effort, and gave independence to Russia's Polish, Ukraine, Baltic, and Finish territories.
  • The Battle of St. Mihiel

    The Battle of St. Mihiel was the first attack from the U.S. in World War l. America and France planned for a concrete attack against the salient, using three American corps and one French corps, and heavy duty war equipment. Germany had planned to abandon St. Mihiel but were taken by surprise by the American's who released their full wrath down on the trenches on a stormy day. Interesting Fact: 26 German soldiers surrendered in fear, when meeting face to face with an allied General.
  • The End of WWl (Armistice Day)

    The war ended at the 11th hour, of the 11th day, of the 11th month. The war ended with the signing of The Treaty of Versailles; named after the city in France it was signed in. Germany formally surrendered with the signing of the Treaty. The Treaty forced Germany to take all blame for the war, cut down their weapons production, trading, and military operations. Little did the allies know, this would kick start the secret rise of Germany and begin the second world war.