S182 7 005i

Walking Whale: Whale Evolution

  • 500

    The Ambulocetus( 50 million years or less)

    The Ambulocetus( 50 million years or less)
    16 years after the finding of Pakeicitus they find the fossil for this. it's inner ear bone had developed to be able to hear underwater. These whales drank freshwater. It was a poor swimmer and had to be in shallow water to hide to catch it's food. It moves like an alligator on land which means it barley can move on land.
  • Feb 12, 630

    The Pakecitus (50 Million years ago)

    The Pakecitus (50 Million years ago)
    1978, Fossil finders went to Pakistan to find fossils, and they found a fossil never have once seen before. Singmore process lives in the water and then discovered It lived near the waters of Pakistan some 50 million years ago. It couldnt find any food on and so made a step and looked for it in water. Their were certain traits in pakicitus that have carried over to today's whale: the unique position of the ear bones in the skull/, a unique middle-ear bone.
  • Feb 12, 700

    The Rodhocetus

    The Rodhocetus
    About 45 years ago
    Rodhocetus was the first ocean whale but its limbs could support it on land also, that could swim and have a shorter neck. it swam using its flipperlike feet and long tail which it used as a rudder. The nasal openings had begun to move up the skull, in what would eventually become the whale's signature spout.
  • Todays Whale

    Todays Whale
    None of the whales i have listened about are direct ancestor of the whales we know today; they may be side branches of the family tree. But the important thing is that each fossil whale shares new, whale-like features with the whales we know today, and in the fossil record, we can observe the expantion of these water adaptations that led to modern whales.
  • The Basilosaurus

    The Basilosaurus
    38 years ago.
    This whale is the top predator and 50 foot long mammal,
    It swam like an eel, but its jawbone, ribs and and small hind limbs make it a mammal. It straddled two worlds; though it only lived in the water, it couldn't dive to any substantial depths, or could its hind limbs support it on land.
  • The Dorudon

    The Dorudon
    The Dorudon was fully aquatic whales that had very small hind limbs projected slightly beyond the body wall. They were no longer able to be on the land.