Vittwia St. Clair Chapman Mickelson

  • Vittwia Mickelson's birth

    Vittwia Mickelson's birth
    Vittwia Mickelson was born by her mother Sarah Smeed Chapman. She lived in Kentucky.
  • Moved to Burlington, Iowa. Encountered Indians.

    Moved to Burlington, Iowa. Encountered Indians.
    She moved to Burlington, Iowa with her familly. She then encountered some indians for the first time. She was quite afraid but nothing happaned.
  • Vittwia saw some praire schooners.

    Vittwia saw some praire schooners.
    Their mottoes were ´California or Bust´and ´For Oregon´
  • They moved back to Kentucky early ´50s

    They moved back to Kentucky early ´50s
    Vittwia and her familly moved back to Kentucky in the early ´50s, but they later moved back to Iowa just before the Civil War.
  • Period: to

    Vittwia helped soldiers as a nurse in Fort Sumter.

    She saw a lot of horrible things such as a contract doctor amputating young men legs even though they could have been saved without the operation.
  • 1870s in Colorado (Days and months not valid)

    1870s in Colorado (Days and months not valid)
    Vittwia and Henry settle down in Colorado. Vittwia got a job as a cashier in Trinidad at the the Southern Hotel.
  • Vittwia and Henry went to Southern Oregon (Days not valid)

    Vittwia and Henry went to Southern Oregon (Days not valid)
    They set up at Henry's place in the foothills near Ashland.
  • Vittwia married Michael Mickelson because he was sick.

    Vittwia married Michael Mickelson because he was sick.
    Vittwia married Michael because he was sick and needed nursing
  • Michael died. Vittwia continued working hard.

    Michael died. Vittwia continued working hard.
    And afterwards Vittwia ran her brother's ranch and her husband's.