Visual Timeline of US Education

By zxiong
  • Brown v Board of Education

    Brown v Board of Education
    1. Looked at desegregation of public schools
    2. Ruled that "separate but equal" education and services were not, in fact, equal at all.
  • Elementary & Secondary ED Act

    Equal access to education with shortening the achievement gap
  • Hobson v Hansen

    1. Eliminating racial and economic tensions.
    2. Abolished track system
  • Parc & Mills

    1. Failure of District of Columbia to provide supported education and training for special education students.
    2. Children cannot be excluded, suspending, without due process based on their disability.
  • Lau v Nichols

    1. Lack of resources for students with English language proficiency which denied meaningful education and violated civil rights act. 2.Demanded that students be provided with appropriately resources.
  • Public Law

    Provision that students should be placed in the least restrictive environment and exposed to typically developing peers. Separation from the general education setting when nature or disability is greater.
  • Individuals with Disabilities Act

    6 pillars of IDEA
    1. IEP
    2. FAPE
    3. LRE
    4. Appropriate Eval
    5. Parent Teacher participation
    6. Procedural Safeguards
  • Board of Education v Rowley

    1.Deaf student that was not being provided signing services.
    2.Public schools are not required by law to provide signing services for students.
  • Luke S. and Hans S. v Nix et al.

    1. Disportionate African American in SPED
    2. Schools must use non-discriminatory evals
  • Jose P. v Ambach

    1. Student referrals were being lost and students were not being identified or receiving services.
    2. Therefore a timeline was established to ensure evaluations were done in a timely manner.
  • Roncker v. Walter

    1.Parents of son thought he would benefit from being with typical peers
    2. School disagreed and thought a more restrictive environment was more suitable for him
  • Larry P. v Riles

    Require that IQ tests not be used on students with disabilities. Found that the tests were designed based off of white students.
  • Honig v Doe

    Case that ruled school violated IDEA when they suspended a student indefinitely for violent behavior which was related to his disability.
    The court established procedural protections applicable to disabled children applied to ED and dangerous disabled children as well. This is a part of their FAPE.
  • In Polk v. Central Susquehanna Intermediate

    IEPs must provide meaningful rigorous benefit not just trivial educational benefits.
  • Timothy W v Rochester, New Hampshire, School District

    Timothy is a multi handicapped and ID child. Parents felt he had the right to an education no matter what his disability.
    Court agreed.
  • Daniel R.R. v State Board of Education

    LRE identifying 4 different factors
    -Mainstreaming on continuum instead of black and white
  • Board of education v. Rachel Holland

    Student Rachel Holland, was making both academic and non-academic progress in general ed class, therefore school did not have the right to remove her.
  • Florence County School District Four v. Carter

    Parents felt that public school failed student and were not following IEP. Parents sued district to help pay for tuition to place student in private school
    Court overturn original decision and district had to pay for tuition.
  • Cedar Rapids Community School Dist. v. Garret F.

    school districts are to provide continuous nursing services to students who need them during the day.
  • Winkelman v. Parma City School District

    Parents are protected under IDEA, therefore they are entitled to prosecute on their own behalf