Vietnam War: Victor Gonzalez

  • Period: to


  • Five day bombing of North Vietnam

    Five day bombing of North Vietnam
    For five days the United States bombed North Vietnamese and Viet Cong bases and infiltration routes into South Vietnam.
  • North Vietnamese Forces Attack South

    North Vietnamese Forces Attack South
    North Vietnamese forces attack enemy bases in the south in their biggest offensive in four years.
  • Anti-war Protest

    Anti-war Protest
    For five days anti-war demonstrators protested the bombing of North Vietnam. Hundreds of protesters were arrested.
  • Napalm Bombing of Villages

    Napalm Bombing of Villages
    In South Vietnam, a tactic has been to bomb villages to discourage support of the Viet Cong.
  • President Nixon was reelected

    President Nixon was reelected
    President Nixon was reelected with 60.7% of the vote.
  • Chirstmas Bombing of North Vietnam

    Chirstmas Bombing of North Vietnam
    On December 13, peace talks between the United States and North Vietnam collapsed. Beginning on December 18, American B-52s and fighter-bombers dropped over 20,000 tons of bombs on the cities of Hanoi and Haiphong.