Vietnam war

Vietnam War Era Timeline

  • Period: to

    Vietnam War Era Timespan

  • Battle of Ap Bac

    Battle of Ap Bac
    The Vietcong beat the South Vietnamese army in one of the first battles starting the Vietnam War.
  • Keneddy Assassination

    Keneddy Assassination
    President Kennedy is assassinated in Dallas Texas. LBJ takes over as the new president of the United States.
  • Dr. Who

    Dr. Who
    The first Dr. Who episode airs on the television.
  • Treaty Between France and West Germany

    Treaty Between France and West Germany
    France and West Germany sign treaty of cooperation ending 4 centuries of conflict.
  • Mom was Born

    Mom was Born
    My mom was born in Kalamazoo Michigan at Borgess Hospital.
  • Gulf of Tonkin

    Gulf of Tonkin
    North Vietnamese boats allegedly fire torpedoes at the USS Maddox.
  • The Beatles

    The Beatles
    The Beatles start gaining popularity in Amerian Culture.
  • Palestine Liberation Organization

    Palestine Liberation Organization
    Palestine forms the liberation organization created to allow Palestine to be an independent state.
  • Dad was born

    Dad was born
    My dad was born in Battle Creek Michigan.
  • Operation Rolling Thunder

    Operation Rolling Thunder
    An operation that involved bombing raids on North Vietnam. They lasted three years.
  • SDS Protests

    SDS Protests
    Students at American Universities start to protest against US policy in Vietnam. They are so concerned because they are young and they know they are the next to be drafted.
  • Miniskirts

    Miniskirts are gaining a lot of poularity for American women.
  • Ferdinand Marcos becomes President

    Ferdinand Marcos becomes President
    Ferdinand Marcos is elected president of the Philippines.
  • Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution

    Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution
    The Great Proletarian cultural revolution begins in Ching. It is launched by Mao.
  • Operation Cedar Falls

    Operation Cedar Falls
    The iron Triangle of the Vietcong tunnel is discovered.
  • Superbowl

    The first superbowl is held in 1967. Green Bay Packers play against Kansas City Chiefs in Los Angelos California.
  • Israel and Arab Forces Battle

    Israel and Arab Forces Battle
    Israel and Arab battle a six day war. Israel ends up occupying the Sinai peninsula.
  • Mom's Parents Divorced

    Mom's Parents Divorced
    My moms mom got a divorce for a second time.
  • Election of 1968

    Election of 1968
    Johson decides to not run for re-election and Nixon is elected president.
  • Operation Breakfast

    Operation Breakfast
    Nixon authorizes covert bombing of cambodia to destroy supply routes between North Vietnam and South Vietnam.
  • Sesame Street

    Sesame Street
    The first Sesame Street airs on the television.
  • Tragedy in Ohio

    Tragedy in Ohio
    National Guardsman open fire on protesting students at Kent State University.
  • My mom got a dog

    My mom got a dog
    My mom got her first dog at 7 years old. It was a golden retriever.
  • Pentagon Papers Leaked

    Pentagon Papers Leaked
    The pentagon papers are leaked about how the US has been lying to the world about the Vietnam War. They are published in the New York Times newspaper
  • My Dad got a Car

    My Dad got a Car
    My dad got his first car at 11 years old even though he couldn't drive it on the street. He drove it in his drive way.