Vietnam War

  • SDS Founded

    SDS Founded
    Started out protesting agents the Vietnam war. It started with students fighting for industrial democracy.
  • Golf of Tonkin Resolution

    Golf of Tonkin Resolution
    It was authorized by Lyndon Jonson, he wanted to make sure that the U.S. would not be in danger so he told them to make moves if necessary, wanted to prevent communism from progressing. After an attack on U.S navel destroyers congress passed the resolution.
  • Tet Offence

    Tet Offence
    These were multiple attacks from the North Vietnamese, they occurred d all over the countries, in over 100 cities. The purpose was to get the U.S to back off, which worked.
  • My Lai Massacre

    My Lai Massacre
    It was in south Vietnam, U.S troops invaded and massacred innocent civilians in My Lai. The U.S. troops could not tell who to fight, did not know who the Vietcong were.
  • Nixon Won The Election

    Nixon Won The Election
    He was a Republican candidate. He beat democratic candidate Hubert Humphrey.
  • Kent State Student Shot

    Kent State Student Shot
    At Kent State University Students were protesting the Vietnam war, the continuation of it, when the National Guard came in. The protest started to get violent and the National Guard came in and open fired. Nine were inured and four were killed.
  • Fall of Saigon.

    Fall of Saigon.
    This was when North Vietnam won over the South Vietnam capital. By doing that they freed South Vietnam.