Vietnam War

  • Golf Of Tonkin

    Golf Of Tonkin
    An American ship was in the Northern part of Vietnam and got shot. The reason they it shot was because they were in the Northern part.
  • Tet Offensive

    Tet Offensive
    80,000 Vietcong troops came out of their tunnels and attacked almost every metropolitan center. Ended on September 23, 1968.
  • My Lai Massacre

    My Lai Massacre
    American Soldiers fired at and killed 300-500 women and children. Many women were raped and mutilated bu the American Soldiers.
  • Temporal Invasion on Cambodia

    Temporal Invasion on Cambodia
    Nixon ordered a temporary invasion on Cambodia because they were along the Ho Chi Mihn trail.
  • Kent State Massacre

    Kent State Massacre
    College Students and some citizens were protesting Nixon and his decision to temporarily invade Cambodia. The protest turned violent and Soldiers were sent to disperse the protesters. Four students were shot and killed during the ordeal.
  • Publication of Pentagon Papers

    Publication of Pentagon Papers
    A former military analyst released papers of the Pentagon Papers. He was disillusioned by the war and the papers revealed top-secret history of the decision-making of the war.
  • Ratification of the 26th Ammendment

    Ratification of the 26th Ammendment
    College Students were angry because they were able to be drafted to fight and die for their country however they couldn't vote. The 26th amendment changed that and said that anybody 18 and older was able to vote. This passed by congress on March, 23, 1971 and was ratified July 1, 1971.