Vietnam War

  • Japan Joins Axis

    Japan enters World War II, joining the German-Italian Axis coalition.
  • Viet Minh Founded

    Viet Minh Founded
    Viet Minh .. League for the Independence of Vietnam was founded on Mar 9, 1945.
  • Roosevelt Dies

    Roosevelt Dies
    FDR dies . He was the 33rd president. he dides of a cerebral hemorrhage. Vice president Truman will become president.
  • Ho Chi Minh Declares Independence for Vietnam

    Ho Chi Minh Declares Independence for Vietnam
    Ho Chi Minh declares indepence for vietnam
  • Vietnam Divided

    Vietnam Divided
    France and Ho Chi Minh signed the Geneva Accords. The divsion is called the 17th parallel.
  • Vietnam Emigration

    Vietnam Emigration
    Alot of North Vietnamese Catholics migrated to South Vietnam Some of South,mostly Viet Minh move to the North.
  • Gulf of Tonkin Resolution

    U.S. Congress passes the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution, This means President Lyndon Johnson can do whatever actions he sees necessary to defend South Vietnam against the Viet Cong forces.
  • Vietnamization

    Nixion annoces his plan to withdraw U.S. troops out of the Vietham war.
  • Nixon Promises More Troops Home

    Nixon Promises More Troops Home
    Nixon promises to bring home about 50,000 troops from the Vietnam war.
  • Kent State

    Kent State
    A protest going on at Kent State Univestity. It will get out of control and the national gurad is called. In an end result 9 are wounded 2 are killed.