Image games

Video Games, The Timeline. / Hayze Belaruby 10B

By Azzye
  • The First Arcade Game.

    The First Arcade Game.
    This was the first arcade game created by: Edward U. Condon. this game was designed to play the game Nim. which people try to avoid picking up the last matchstick, (it didn't have visuals it just had lights and buttons.) Tens of thousands of people played Nim on the computer. But the computer won 90% of the time.
  • Cathode-Ray Tube Amusement Device ('The second video game')

    Cathode-Ray Tube Amusement Device ('The second video game')
    this was the 2nd earliest form of a video game found, however this game had to make you hold up pictures to play the game, unlike tennis for two which has all the visuals on the screen.
  • Period: to

    The First True Video Games, The Timespan / Hayze Belaruby 10Y

    Video Games, The Timespan
  • The First True Video Game.

    The First True Video Game.
    Physicist William Higinbotha, created the first video game in existance, it was quite similar to pong, but not quite pong. he created the first video game because he worked in a lab, and he was in charge of the presentation. so he thought of ways to entertain people touring, so he created Tennis for 2. which was a game to entertain people. the people loved it, and it became the most popular exhibit. but William Higinbotham, didn't think much of it and so he didn't patent it.
  • Spacewar! (the second true video game)

    Spacewar! (the second true video game)
    Spacewar! was the second true video game to be played with a video display. However what makes this video game different, is that it was designed for DEC PDP-1 minicomputer.
  • The First Patent For Video Games.

    The First Patent For Video Games.
    Sanders Associates received the first patent for a video game.
    Then Magnavox bought this patent and started producing video games systems in the early 1970s
  • An Easy Programming Language

    An Easy Programming Language
    John Kemeny creates the BASIC programming language, making it easy for people to write computer games. Soon, countless games are being created.
  • The First True Arcade Games

    The First True Arcade Games
    This was a big turning point for video games because now the video games can be played with a coin operated system. companys made lots of money from arcade machines,(mostly because it had visuals now) the first arcade games were computer space and pong. Lots of companys saw Pong's success and started creating clones of the game. This was the first mass cloning. (a bad turning point for video games)
  • The First Video Game Console

    The First Video Game Console
    In the early 1970s the first video game console was created. it was called the Maganox Odyssey. this was a huge turning point for video games because now you could play video games in your home (convient!)
  • The First, First Person Shooter

    The First, First Person Shooter
    This was the first person shooter, well not really. it was controller by a first person perspective. it was called maze wars, it takes people into passages made from wire frame graphics.
  • Atari Releases Atari 2600.

    Atari Releases Atari 2600.
    This was a very big turning point in video game history, because now, you can play with a joystick and interchangable cartridges. games in colour and different difficulty levels. and it make millions of americans, gamers
  • The First Arcade Game To Home Console

    The First Arcade Game To Home Console
    pacman was created when a slice of pizza was missing. Then Toru Iwatani, created pacman. then atari made it into a home console video game.
  • Tetris On The Gameboy

    Tetris On The Gameboy
    Believe it or not, tetris was made by a mathematician. this game was a addictive game. and nintendo bundles it with every gameboy.
  • Nintendo's Gameboy

    Nintendo's Gameboy
    Nintendo makes handheld gaming popular, but nintendo didn't create handheld gaming. it was introduced 10 years ago, but since it wasn't very important. I didn't include it, the gameboy charmed users with its long battery life and very easy usage
  • Internet Games Are Popularised.

    Internet Games Are Popularised.
    Video games on the internet has been created before, but now it was really popular when windows added solitare to its software. and people who didn't like home console games. found that they loved conputer games.
  • Sony Releases The Playstation

    Sony Releases The Playstation
    When Sony released the playstation at 100$ less than the sega consoles. it was an instant hit and when they released the playstation 2. Sega left the home console buissness
  • Multiplayer is popularised

    Multiplayer is popularised
    When Sony released EverQuest. thousnads of players hopped on and realised, that they loved multiplayer.
  • Video Games (the peak)

    This is the peak of video games, and it keeps on rising, in the future years most of it is just released games, consoles. but nothing game changing(ironically). Video games have changed lots of people's lives for the better. And I can say with confidence, Thems The Facts.