Utopia Timeline

  • Doomsday is created

  • Atlantis is found

  • Sectors are made

    After a challenging year, the government officials decide that this society needs to be organized and decide to create sectors for each of the main ideas that the society focused on
  • First Government Officials are elected

    Government officals are elected to collect voting and oversee the votes
  • Water powered cars are developed

  • Insertation of vitamins is created

    Scientist find out how to insert vitamins into your system that will last for the rest of your life.
  • The diesese Falco is discovered

    The disease Falco is discovered and does not seem to be able to harm people underneath the water, but could still be dangerous. Scientists start to find a cure immediately
  • Falco is cured with no known deaths

    Lead scientists find that the cure for Falco is found in a plant that is only found under water and has been what was shielding the citizens from harm
  • First Purge

    The first purge is started
  • New way of farming is created

    Using solar energy a new way to farm food is created underground
  • Present

    Present Day