USH Background info

By tjm8207
  • 1215

    Magna Carta

    Magna Carta
    Limited the kings power
  • French and India war

    French and India war
    A war from all colonies, resulted in the treaty of Paris
  • Industrial revolution

    Industrial revolution
    It was a move to a new manufacturing process in the US and Europe
  • American revolution

    American revolution
    A colonial revolt, the 3 colonies defeated the British, after it the British needed money so they taxed the us government
  • Continental congress

    Continental congress
    A convention for delegates from a lot of British American colonies
  • Battle of Lexington and Concord

    Battle of Lexington and Concord
    First battle of military engagement
  • Declaration of Independence

    Declaration of Independence
    Got ride of the British rules so we are owns group
  • Battle of Saratoga’s

    Battle of Saratoga’s
    Climax of the Saratoga campaign, and gave a decisive victory, resulted in freemen’s farm- British won and bemis hights
  • Yorktown

    Last major battle of the American Revolutionary War, the good thing was that Cornwallis surrendered to Washington
  • Writing the US constitution

    Writing the US constitution
    Establish a national gov, laws, and citizens rights
  • The bill of rights

    The bill of rights
    It is the first 10 amendments to the constitution and gave Americans rights
  • Alex de Tocqueville

    Alex de Tocqueville
    A French diplomat that is know from democracy in America & the old regime
  • Battle of fort Sumter

    Battle of fort Sumter
    A bombardment of fort Sumter, confederate victory, confederacy captures fort Sumter, beginning of American civil war
  • Battle of Gettysburg

    Battle of Gettysburg
    Fought by the union & confederate forces in the American civil war
  • Gettysburg address

    Gettysburg address
    A 272 speech given by president Lincoln, it ended slavery