US & Russia conflict

  • USSR Born

    USSR Born
    This is when the soviet Union was created.
  • The war is won

    The war is won
    The us and soviets win would war 2 as friends.
  • Cold War starts

    Cold War starts
    This marks the beginning of the us and soviets struggles for world power.
  • Space Race begins

    Space Race begins
    The soviets launch the worlds first satellite.
  • Cuban Missile Crisis

    Cuban Missile Crisis
    The us and USSR have a nuclear standoff that ultimately resulted in no conflict.
  • First Man on the Moon

    First Man on the Moon
    The us wins the space race with the Apollo 11's mission.
  • USSR Falls

    USSR Falls
    The USSR dissolved and Russia became its own nation again.
  • War in Iraq

    War in Iraq
    Russia strongly opposes the American-led invasion of Iraq.
  • Russians test missiles

    Russians test missiles
    Russia test long rang missiles at the annoyance of the us.
  • Trouble in Syria

    Trouble in Syria
    The Russians and us butt heads over conflict about the Syrian civil war.