Cold war

A look at the Cold War

  • Yalta Conference

    Yalta Conference
    The Yalta Conference was the stepping stone for the Cold War. The "bug three" all came to the Yalta Conference with thier own agenda.
  • Formation of the United Nations

    Formation of the United Nations
    The formation of the United Nations showed the hope that the world leaders had for a peaceful existence after WWII. The leaders of the world wanted to make sure that a war like WWI or WWII did not happen again. The UN wanted to be an international peacekeeping organization that any country could come to if there was a conflict.
  • Potsdam Conference

    Potsdam Conference
    Initially meant to figure out post war Europe, surrender or Germany and a united front in the war in the Pacific. But fundamental differences came up between the Allied powers which lead to animosity between them.
  • Winston Churchill's Iron Curtain Speech

    Winston Churchill's Iron Curtain Speech
    This speech by Churchill, he publically goes against the USSR and her allies, Truman openly supported and praised this speech. This is seen as the "start" of the Cold War.
  • Truman Doctrine

    Truman Doctrine
    The United States openly state they are against Communism and will help any country that is in danger of falling to communism or threatened by communism.
  • NATO Established

    NATO Established
  • Marshall Plan

    Marshall Plan
    The Marshall Plan stated that the US would give funds to western European countries to help them rebuild after WWII. The idea behind this plan was to keep communism out of these depressed economies.
  • Formation of CIA

    Formation of CIA
  • Hollywood Ten Arrested

    Hollywood Ten Arrested
    This struck fear into the American Nation. Americans quickly learned that if they did not "conform" to the norm, their activities would be viewed as un-American and they would be at risk of being viewed as a spy, traitor or communist. It also gave many Americans the feeling that no one was safe from McCarthy and his strong anti-communism ideals.
  • Communist Information Bureau Established

    Communist Information Bureau Established
  • Berlin Blockade

    Berlin Blockade
    The first serious crisis of the Cold War. Russia had hoped that by starving West Berlin they would eventually cave to communism. It was also a test of the Western powers to see how far they would go to protect democracy.
  • Berlin Airlift

    Berlin Airlift
  • Communist win civil war in China

    Communist win civil war in China
    Another win for Communism and the Russians. This threatened the ideals of Democracy and continued to reinforce the concept of Domino Theory.
  • Korean War

    Korean War
  • Caracas Conference

    Caracas Conference
  • SEATO Established

    SEATO Established
  • Warsaw Pact Formed

    Warsaw Pact Formed
    To combat the agreements that the western powers were making, the Russians made the Warsaw Pact to ensure their safety and the prosperity of communism.
  • Big Four Summit in Geneva

    Big Four Summit in Geneva
  • Eisenhower Proposes "Open Skies"

    Eisenhower Proposes "Open Skies"
  • Russia launches Sputnik

    Russia launches Sputnik
    American lose the first step in the Space Race. The Russians launched the first satellite. Leaving the US feeling threatened and inferior.
  • Fidel Castro become Premier of Cuba

    Fidel Castro become Premier of Cuba
    The American backed leader of Cuba was over thrown, bringing communism the closest it had been to the United States, threatening the safety of Democracy. For Russia, this was a huge step in having an ally on this side of the world.
  • U-2 Spy Mission

    U-2 Spy Mission
  • Bay of Pigs

    Bay of Pigs
  • Construction of Berlin Wall Begins

    Construction of Berlin Wall Begins
    During the height of the Cold War, the Berlin Wall became the symbol of just how badk thigs went between the east and west. A wall divided a city and a nation; more than that it divided a continent.
  • Cuban Missile Crisis

    Cuban Missile Crisis
    Another large crisis in the Cold War. The closest the world was to a nuclear war. Forging the wedge deeper between the Russians and Americans.
  • Golf of Tonkin

    Golf of Tonkin
  • Vietnam War

    Vietnam War
    A conflict that was meant to keep Communism out of Vietman. A long standng fight between communism and democracy.
  • Man walks on Moon

    Man walks on Moon
  • SALT I Talks Begin

    SALT I Talks Begin
  • President Nixon visits China

    President Nixon visits China
    First time a President had visited a communist country, let alone China. Shows the first signs of a possible agreement between a communist country and a non communist country.
  • President Nixon visits Russia

    President Nixon visits Russia
  • SALT II Treaty Signed

    SALT II Treaty Signed
  • Ronald Reagan is elected 40th President of the United States

    Ronald Reagan is elected 40th President of the United States
    This begins to usher in a new era of the Cold War and agreements between the US and Russia. A true sign that things will soon change. Ultimately the work that he and Gorbachev began was concluded with George Bush and the end of the Cold War.
  • Mikhail Gorbachev becomes General Secretary of Soviet Communist Party

    Mikhail Gorbachev becomes General Secretary of Soviet Communist Party
    This ushered in a time of great chnage in Russia. HIs openness to negotiate peace with western powers helped to aide in the end of the Cold War and the progress that would be seen in communist countries.
  • Geneva Summit

    Geneva Summit
  • Fall of Berlin Wall

    Fall of Berlin Wall
  • Malta Conference

    Malta Conference
  • Reunification of Germany

    Reunification of Germany
    The reunification of Germany marked the end of a country divided. It showed first hand the changes in Russia and it's hold on satellite countries.
  • End of USSR

    End of USSR
    The end of the USSR marks the end of the Cold War. This was significant because it ended the 50 year power struggle between the East and West. It marked, for the first time in almost a century, when the East and West were workign together for a peaceful world and not against each other.