
US Labor Movement- Taylor and Brandon

  • First Recorded Strke

    First Recorded Strke
    Occuring in New York, journeyman tailors protested a wage reduction, which then led to the formation of the first trade union. With less wage came increased financial struggle, thus resulting in greater burdens for the worker and his family. Workers who made less money had difficulty providing for themselves, and therefore couldn't attain the level of happiness that they wanted.
  • Period: to

    Late 18th Century to Present- Labor Movements

  • The Federal Society of Cordwainers formed

    The Federal Society of Cordwainers formed
    The founding of The Federal Society of Cordwainers marked the beginning of sustained trade union organization among American workers. The abovementioned formation empowered workers to demand fair prices in order to prevent underpayment. The formation led to an increased idea of liberty for workers because they weren't working as many hours.
  • Formation of Unions for different occupations

    Formation of Unions for different occupations
    Unions such as Mechanics Trade Association formed in Philidelphia as the idea of better pay, less hours, and improved work environments diffused outward. This is important as the idea of unions continued to grow stronger in the eyes of Americans. Better treatment in the workplace made for a better life for workers.
  • Samuel Gompers

    Samuel Gompers
    b. Samuel Gompers was the first and longest-serving president of the American Federation of Labor (AFL); it is to him, as much as to anyone else, that the American labor movement owes its structure and characteristic strategies. Under his leadership, the AFL became the largest and most influential labor federation in the world. The development of the AFL provided workers with a well-structured, influential organization that promoted their goals for working conditions. As its influence grew, th
  • Broadened Unions Spread Throughout the US and Into Canada

    Broadened Unions Spread Throughout the US and Into Canada
    The formation of the first International Trade Union, The International Typographical Union, indicates that unions were spreading like a wildfire. Local unions of similar occupations were brought together, thus forming one large "international" union. This was important because ideas on work treatment could be spread throughout a larger group. As pertaining to life, working conditions continued to improve.
  • Peter McGuire (1852-1906)

    Peter McGuire (1852-1906)
    b. McGuire worked cooperatively with Samuel Gompers to form the AFL. Years before that, “in May 1874 McGuire helped form the Social Democratic party (later the Socialist Labor party) and spent the next five years organizing chapters throughout New England, the West, the Southwest and the Midwest. Wherever he went, he urged workers to organize themselves, abolish the wage system and institute a universal system of cooperative production and distribution.” This is important because workers were
  • Noble and Holy Order of the Knights of Labor and Colored National Labor Union formed

    Noble and Holy Order of the Knights of Labor and Colored National Labor Union formed
    In December 1869, they formed the Noble and Holy Order of the Knights of Labor. It was the largest and most powerful labor union in America during the last half of the 19th century. It represented all workers—men and women, white and black, citizen and immigrant, and skilled and unskilled—in all industries.This is important because the union gave people a sense of unity and that they weren’t discriminated from the benefits of everyone else.
  • John Lewis (1880-1969)

    John Lewis (1880-1969)
    b. “President of the United Mine Workers of America (UMWA) from 1920 until 1960 and founding president of the Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO), John Llewellyn Lewis was the dominant voice shaping the labor movement in the 1930s. The CIO owed its existence in large measure to Lewis, who was a tireless and effective advocate of industrial unionism and of government assistance in organizing basic industry.” This event is important because Lewis was vital to obtaining the rights that mine
  • The First Labor Day

    The First Labor Day
    The very first Labor Day was held on a Tuesday, September 5, 1882, in New York City. The day was celebrated with a picnic, concert and speeches. Ten thousand workers marched in a parade from City Hall to Union Square. This event gave workers a day off to enjoy time with their families,
  • Sidney Hillman (1887-1946)

    Sidney Hillman (1887-1946)
    “He was the founder and president of the Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America from 1914 to 1946. He invented “modern” trade unionismand worked to ensure the survival of the industry and improve the standards of workers within it. Thanks in large part to his efforts, political action and education became a priority within the labor movement. He also thought the union should serve the interests of its members both on and off work. He increased happiness by improving work standards.
  • Homestead Strike

    Homestead Strike
    The 1892 Homestead strike in Pennsylvania and the ensuing bloody battle instigated by the steel plant's management remain a transformational moment in U.S. history, leaving scars that have never fully healed after five generations. This is important because the workers were deprived of their lives over what they believed in.
  • Walter Reuther (1907-1970)

    Walter Reuther  (1907-1970)
    b. “Walter Reuther was president of the United Automobile Workers (UAW) from 1946 until his death in 1970. Under his leadership, the UAW grew to more than 1.5 million members, becoming one of the largest unions in the United States.” Reuther worked for higher wages for automobile workers, and was well known for his work in getting an 18% raise from GM. Reuther’s work improved the chances of pursuing happiness, and improved working conditions.
  • Wagner Act is passed

    Wagner Act is passed
    The single most important piece of labour legislation enacted in the United States in the 20th century. It was enacted to eliminate employers’ interference with the autonomous organization of workers into unions. This was important because the control over unions was in the hands of the government as opposed to the employer.
  • Civil Rights Act

    Civil Rights Act
    The Civil Rights Act banded any and all forms of discrimination in the work place. This was important because from then on workers were supposed to be treated equally no matter there race or ethnicity.
  • Occupational Safety and Health Act passed

    Occupational Safety and Health Act passed
    Oneof the major issues of the Labor Movement has always been the health and safety of workers on the jobsite to prevent workplace deaths and injuries. In 1970 the Occupational Safety and Health Act was enacted to create the Occupational Health and Safety Administration to enforce workplace labor laws to prevent injuries and deaths. This greatly improved the the lives of the workers by giving them a sense of security.