Early flag

us history

  • raleigh’s Roanoke Island VIRGINIA

    raleigh’s Roanoke Island VIRGINIA
  • Roanoke found abandoned

  • English found Jamestown

    English found Jamestown
  • The first colonial printing press is set up in Cambridge

    The first colonial printing press is set up in Cambridge
  • Rhode Island enacts the first law in the colonies declaring slavery illegal

    Rhode Island enacts the first law in the colonies declaring slavery illegal
  • The British Navigation act

    The British Navigation act
  • Jolliet and Marquette's expedition ended

    Jolliet and Marquette's expedition ended
  • Bacon's Rebellion: The rebellion, in Virginia, took place.

    Bacon's Rebellion: The rebellion, in Virginia, took place.
  • King Philip's War: The war took place.

  • William III died and was succeeded by Anne, Queen of Great Britain

    William III died and was succeeded by Anne, Queen of Great Britain
  • revolutionary war begins

    revolutionary war begins