US History

By Vapor
  • Proclamation of 1763

    This proclamation did not allow colonists to settle west of the Appalachian Mountains. The British government feared the conflict between colonists and Native Americans would lead to another war. They also could not afford to pay British troops to defend the western lands. Colonists were enraged by this proclamation because they felt they had won the right to settle in the Ohio River Valley after winning the French and Indian War.
  • Period: to

    Road to Revolution

  • Quarting Act

    This was a cost-saving measure that made colonies house British soilders and provide them with supplies. King George III was the one who wanted to enforce this in the year of 1765.
  • Stamp Act

    Stamp Act
    The Stamp Act occured in the year of 1765 that required all legal and commercial documents to have a stamp on it. This showed that the tax had been paid. This made colonists very angry since they had to pay for the stamps which were bought with silver which was very hard to come by.
  • Townshend Acts

    They made this act to raise revenue in colonies. It suspened New Yorks assembly until they agreed to house British troops. It placed taxes on goods which would help to pay for British officers.
  • Tea Act Boston Tea Party

    Tea Act Boston Tea Party
    The Tea Act gave British East Indian Company control over American trade. Colonists had to pay taxes for the tea. Colonists were furious and began the Boston Tea Party. So then the Sons of Liberty disguised them selves as Native Americans, went on to the tea ships and destroyed 342 chests of tea to show protest.
  • Intolerable Acts

    Intolerable Acts
    Parliament passes laws to punish the Massachusets colonies and to warn other colonies. The laws were so harsh that colonists started to call them the Intolerable Acts. One of the laws closed down Massachuset harbors angrying colonists.
  • Battle of Lexington and Concord

    These were the first battles that started the Revolutionary War. This is where tje " Shot around the world " occured which caused the war. No one knows for sure who shot the first shot, but started to fight once the bullet was shot.
  • Olive Branch Petition

    The Olive Branch Petition was for the king to restore harmony between the colonies and Britian. The king however rejected the petiton and made new measures to punish the colonies. He blocked American ships from leaving its ports and sent German soilders to fight America.
  • Declaration of Indepenence

    The Decleration of Independence made all states free and independent. America dissolved all political connections with Britiain. Thomas Jefferson was the one who composed the decleration abd was selected because hes an excellent writer and he was from Virginia.