US 2012, Semester 1, Miller

  • Wilmot Proviso

    Wilmot Proviso
    david Wilmot proposed an amendment to stop the spred of slavery
  • new party

    new party
    The northen opponents of slavery formed the free soli party, They wanted to prevent the expansion of slavery into the western territories. "Free soil, Free Speech, Free Men
  • New Compromise

    New Compromise
    In 1850, the Compromise of 1850. This compromise admitted as a free state, but in the other territory acquired from Mexico, voters would decide the slavery issue.
  • Kansas Nabraska Act

    Kansas Nabraska Act
    -divided the Nebraska Territory into Kansas and Nebraska
    -voters in each territory would decide the issue of slavery by popular sovereignty.
  • Violence Erupts in Kansas

    Violence Erupts in Kansas
    -Southern proslavery forces attacked the free state town of Lawrence Kansas.
    -Looted homes, burned down the hotel,and destroyed the presses of The Kansas Free State Newspaper.
  • Bessemer steel

    Bessemer steel
    Bessemer steel process ushers in new industrial age. this purified iron, resluting in new stron steel
  • Scott v. Sanford

    Scott v. Sanford
    Dred scott sued for his freedom
    - argued that when he lived in Illionois he should have been freed
    - Supreme Court says that Scott can not sue because he is property and not a citizen.
  • John Brown plans a revolt

    John Brown plans a revolt
    John Brown thought that using violence was the best way to defeat slavery, in 1859 Brown and a small band of followers seized the federal arsenal at Harpers Ferry, Virgina. He had hoped to inspireand arm local slaves for an uprising. (no slaves joined)
  • Election of 1860

    Abraham lincoln, stephen Douglas, John Bell, John Breckinridge
  • What each person stood for. Abraham Lincoln

    What each person stood for. Abraham Lincoln
    Slavery must not be alloed in the territories
  • Stephen Douglas

    Stephen Douglas
    Northern Democrat
    Popular sovereignty should decide the issue of slavery
  • John Bell

    John Bell
    Consitutional Unionist
    Federal government should support slavery and protect the union
  • John Breckinridge

    John Breckinridge
    Southern Democrat
    Federal government must protect slavery
  • Crittenden Compromise

    Crittenden Compromise
    Kentucky senator John Crittenden proposed a consi\titutional amendment allowing slavery in the western territories south of the Mssouri Compromise line. He also called for federal funds to reimburse slaveholders for unreturned fugitive slaves
  • Southern States Leave the Union

    Southern States Leave the Union
    As soon as Lincolns election was confirmed, the South Carolina legislature summoned a state convention. On December 20th, 1860 the convention declared the "the union now subsisting between South Carolina and the othe States under the name of 'The United States of America' is hereby dissolved"
  • Fort Sumter

    Fort Sumter
    In January 1861, President Buchanan tried to send troops ans supplys to the fort, but confederat troops fired guns apon it, causing the ship to turn around
  • 16th President

    16th President
    On March 4th, 1861 Lincoln was spwrn is as President. In his inaugural address, he took a firm but conciliatory tone toward the South.
  • Battle of Fort Sumter

    Battle of Fort Sumter
    Southern Leaders demanded that the Union surrender Fort Sumter, but the north said no. this caused a battke of fort sumter that lasted for 2 days. in the end, the north had run out of ammo so they surrenderd
  • the civil war begins

    the civil war begins
    The United States of America and the Confederate States of America faced off in a bloody civil war. At stake was not only slavery, but the unity of the nation
  • Lincoln calls for troops

    Lincoln calls for troops
    On April 15th, Lincoln had called for 75,000 troops to defend the Union.
  • Battle of Bull Run

    Battle of Bull Run
  • The Confederacy is Formed

    The Confederacy is Formed
    In Febuary 1861, Confederate States of America is established. TX, LA, MS, AL, GA, SC, and FL make up the Confederacy before Fort Sumter.
  • Battle of Shiloh

    Battle of Shiloh
  • Battle at Antuetam

    Battle at Antuetam
  • The Emanicpation Proclimation

    The Emanicpation Proclimation
    -freed the slaves
    -did not apply to the loyal slave states
    -encoutaged slaves to run away
    -did not outlaw slavery
    -did not give citizenship
  • Battle of Gettysburg

  • Freedmens Bureau

    Freedmens Bureau
    A federal agency designed to aid freed slaves abd relieve the souths ummefiate needs.
  • The Civil War ends

    The Civil War ends
    After four years of fighting, General Lee had surrendered to General Grant in the Appomattox Court House in a small Virgina town
  • Bye bye Mr. President

    Bye bye Mr. President
    Abraham Lincoln was assassinated by John Wilks Booth in the Ford Theater. He died early the next morning....
    After Lincoln was killed, his vice president, Andrew Johnson, became president
  • 13th Amendment

    13th Amendment
    Ended slavery:)
  • 14th Amendment

    14th Amendment
    Guaranteed full citizenship status and rights to every person born in the United States, including Afterican Americans
  • Rogged Dick, or Street Life in New York

    Rogged Dick, or Street Life in New York
    Horatio Alger published his first novel. this widly successful novel told the story of a poor boy who rose to wealth and fame by working hard
  • 15th Amendment

    15th Amendment
    guaranteed that no male citizen could be denied the right to vote on the basis of "race, skin color, or previous condition of servitude"
  • Knights of Labor

    Uriah Smith Stephens founded a labor union for anyone workers in any trade.
  • Knights of Labor

    Knights of Labor
    Uriah Smith Stephens founded a labor union that was open to all workers of any trade
  • Yellow Stone Park

    The people were becomeing very concerend about the enviornment, so the government made Yellow Stone National Park

    Inventor Thoma Edison supported by wealthy industialists established a research labratory at menlo park, new jersey.
  • Railroad strikes

    Railroad strikes
    Responce to cuts in workers wages and it set the scene for violent strikes to come
  • Chinese Exclusion Act

    Chinese Exclusion Act
    Chinese travelers were turned away unless they could prove that they were American citizens or had family in America. Officials assumed that the Chinese were up to no good. These immigrants were often help for weeks or months in bad condiotions
  • haymarket square

    haymarket square
    part of a campaign to achieve an eight hour workday. Americans become wary of labor unions; the Knights of Labor were blamed for the riot and membership declined
  • ICC

    US government sets up the Interstate commerce Commisson, to over see all railroad operations
  • Sherman Antitrust Act

    The Senate passed the Sherman Antitrust Act which outlawed and trust that operated in restraint of trade of commerce among several states
  • Ellis Island

    Ellis Island
    The "loading station" for incoming immigrants to America. Immigration officers conducted legal and medical inspections. Only about 2% were turned away.
  • Homestead Strike

    Homestead Strike
    Economic depression led to cuts in steelworkers wages. After losing the standoff, steelworker unions lost power throughout the country
  • First subway

    First subway
    Boston opens Americas first underground Subway stations
  • Pullman Strike

    Pullman Strike
    Wages cut withought decrease in the cost of living in the company town.
  • Angel Island

    Angel Island
    Chinese and other Asian immigrants were arriving in San Fancisco Bay. Angel Island was formidable and was more or less designed to fliter out Chinese immigrants.