Nbc fires donald trump after he calls mexicans rapists and drug runners

Full Course American History

  • Missouri Compromise

    Missouri Compromise
    Created by Henry Clay, the Missouri Compromise would admit states in pairs to not upset the balance of 11/11, Maine was admitted as a free state and Missouri as a slave state in 1821, slavery was not to ever pass the 36 degree 30 line, delayed civil war until it was repealed in 1854 by the Kansas-Nebraska Act.
  • John Quincy Adams Elected (Democratic Republican)

    John Quincy Adams Elected (Democratic Republican)
  • Formation of the Democratic Party

    Formation of the Democratic Party
    The Democratic party recieved most of it's support from the south in the lead up to civil war and presidents included: Andrew Jackson, Martin Van Buren, James Buchanan, Franklin Pierce and James Polk
  • Tariff of abominations

    Tariff of abominations
    The Tariff of abominations brought in, in 1828 was what would ultimately cause the nullification crisis in 1832 after it is singed into law by jackson, John C. Calhoun of South Carolina was strong agains't it as he believed it was evidence of north economic power over the south
  • Andrew Jackson Elected (Democrat)

    Andrew Jackson Elected (Democrat)
    Jackson's election revolutionised politics in america, creating popular politics as voting raised from 26.5% in 1824 to 56.3% in 1828, his inauguration speech was attended by 20,000
  • Maysville Road Veto

    Maysville Road Veto
    Jackson veto's the federal bill for funding the maysville road in kentucky on the grounds the spending was unconstitional, in his address he claims that this funding could not be granted as it would mean future electorates could gain office to allow themselves to build as they pleased, abusing the power. It was also a personal attack on henry clay, advocator of the american system.
  • Indian Removal Act

    Indian Removal Act
    Jackson passes the indian removal act, giving him the power to exchange public land in the west and cash payment for the eviction of indians in the east of Mississippi
  • Peggy Eaton Affair

    Peggy Eaton Affair
    Due to controversy in her marriage to John Eaton (Secretary of War), peggy eaton was shunned socially from washington, leading to Jackson asking his whole cabinet to resign after Van Buren offers to do so, he sympathised due to the death of his wife. A personal stab at John C. Calhoun.
  • Bank Veto

    Bank Veto
    Jackson veto's the recharter of the BUS, sparking economic conflict and heavy opposition during the 1832 election and the creation of the whig party
  • Andrew Jackson is re-elected

    Andrew Jackson is re-elected
    Jackson beats Henry Clay in re-election easily by 219 to 49 votes
  • Formation of the Whig Party

    Formation of the Whig Party
    Formed due to the great opposition to Jackson and his Bank War, notable whigs include: Henry Clay, Daniel Webster, President Harrison, President Zachary taylor, President tyler and President Filmore
  • Nullifcation Crisis

    Nullifcation Crisis
    South Carolina nullify the reduced tariff signed by Jackson in November 1832
  • Force Bill

    Force Bill
    Congress passes the force bill allowing Jackson to use military action to collect the tariff from south carolina
  • Compromise Tariff

    Compromise Tariff
    South Carolina avoids military action by signing the compromise tariff proposed by Henry Clay
  • Pet Bank Creation

    Pet Bank Creation
    Newly appointed Secretary of treasury Roger B Taney transfers the federal funds to pet banks, causing the panic of 1837 in years to come, after Jackson replaces both Mclane and Duane before him
  • The Battle at Fort Alamo

    The Battle at Fort Alamo
    Texans revolt agains't Mexican rule of General Santa Anna and gain support from an army of american lead by Sam Houston in April
  • Texas Declares Independence

    Texas Declares Independence
  • Martin Van Buren (Democrat)

    Martin Van Buren (Democrat)
    Described as Jackson's third term, van buren's presidency was taken up mostly by the economic depression of 1837
  • Trail of Tears

    Trail of Tears
    The last major removal of indians after the Indian Removal Act, saw the relocation of 16,000 Cherokee and 1/4 of these died on the trail
  • William Harrison Elected (Whig)

    William Harrison Elected (Whig)
    Dies in 1841 of pneumonia
  • John Tyler becomes president, Taylor dies (Whig)

    John Tyler becomes president, Taylor dies (Whig)
  • James K. Polk Elected (Democrat)

    James K. Polk Elected (Democrat)
  • Texas is introduced as a slave state

    Texas is introduced as a slave state
    After its joining was annexed by Jackson and Van Buren, polk allows Texas to join as a slave state
  • Mexican War begins

    Mexican War begins
    After Polk attempts to buy land from Mexico for $25 million, Polk sends in troops to seize the land and Mexican leadership is currently being contested
  • Wilmot Provisio

    Wilmot Provisio
    Created by David Wilmot, it was the intial strike to stop the spread of slavery after the Meixcan war and stated that slavery would not be allowed to expand into new mexican territory, it failed the senate with 83 to 64 votes, showed sectional tension growth and helped form the free soil party in 1848
  • Calhoun Doctrine Published

    Calhoun Doctrine Published
    John C.Calhoun publishes a document he wrote in 1821 in response to the Wilmot Proviso claiming that citizens had the right to take their 'property' into any state they wanted to, becoming the backbone of the slavery argument, it effectively meant that slavery could never be restricted and would be used by Roger B Taney in the 1857 Dred Scott case
  • Battle of Buena Vista

    Battle of Buena Vista
    Zachary Taylor defeats the Mexicans killing 600, with only 250 american casualties
  • Mexico defeated and the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo Signed

    Mexico defeated and the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo Signed
    The area that would become California, New Mexico, Arizona, Nevada and Utah is purchased for $15 million, opening up the question of the expansion of slavery once again
  • Zachary Taylor Elected (Whig)

    Zachary Taylor Elected (Whig)
    A military hero from the Mexican War is popularly elected
  • Millard Fillmore becomes president, Taylor Dies (Whig)

    Millard Fillmore becomes president, Taylor Dies (Whig)
  • Compromise of 1850

    Compromise of 1850
    Henry Clay and Daniel Webster were instrumental in creating the compromise, which adopted the idea of popular sovereignty for all states other than california which would be rushed into becoming a free state, abolished the slave trade in the district of Colombia, settled the Texas/New Mexico border dispute for $10 million and enforced the fugitive slave act. Described by David Potter as 'an armistice rather than a compromise'
  • Uncle Tom's Cabin

    Uncle Tom's Cabin
    Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe was a strong anti-slavery novel that sold more than 300,000 copies, spreading the abolitionist message and gaining it support
  • Franklin Pierce Elected (Democrat)

    Franklin Pierce Elected (Democrat)
  • Formation of the Republican Party

    Formation of the Republican Party
    Formed in the wake of the whig party, free soilers and disconcerted Democrats, the republican party was a mostly northern based party and emerged to combat the Kansas-Nebraska Act and limit slavery, Lead by Abraham Lincoln
  • Kansas-Nebraska Act

    Kansas-Nebraska Act
    Misguided act by Stephen Douglas that would use popular sovereignty to allow Kansas and Nebraska chose their slave status, passed with 90% of southern vote and 64% of northern vote, would lead to huge conflict in Kansas and Nebraska was not slavery suitable.
  • The Ofsted Manifesto is leaked

    The Ofsted Manifesto is leaked
    A document stating that the USA had the right to buy Cuba from Spain and if they refused would be able to 'justified in wrestling' cuba from spain. The manifesto was evidence of a high level slave power trying to extend slavery into further areas as cuba would become a slave state. Outraged northerns and convinced more people of the 'slave power'
  • Bleeding Kansas

    Bleeding Kansas
    Throughout 1856, Kansas became the battleground for slavery war, by both abolitionist and slavers killing over 200 men in clashes
  • Bleeding Sumner

    Bleeding Sumner
    Senator Charles Sumner was beaten close to death in his office in congress by Preston Brooks of South Carolina, for openly denouncing the crime of kansas and slavery, brooks received praise southerners and replacement canes
  • Pottawatomie Creek Massacre

    Pottawatomie Creek Massacre
    John Brown a strong religious abolitionist and his sons, killed 7 slavers, this had strong repercussions on the south as it struck fear into slavers and threatened them, making them less willing to compromise
  • James Buchanan Elected (Democrat)

    James Buchanan Elected (Democrat)
    Increases sectional tension's by allowing the corrupt Lecompton constitution and divides the Democratic party in 1860
  • Dred Scott Case

    Dred Scott Case
    After former slave Dred Scott takes his case to the supreme court as he was taken into a free state by his previous owner, Chief Justice Roger B Taney declares that blacks were 'so far inferior that they had no rights a white person should respect' and that the Missouri Compromise was unconstitutional, not only did this outrage the north and go further to prove a slave power due to Taney's close relationship with Buchanan, but it undermined the entire Republican platform
  • The Lecompton Crisis

    The Lecompton Crisis
    The election of the Kansas was boycotted by abolitionists as they believed slaver's would rig it regardless of their minority, Buchanan supports this slavery government, causing a split in the Democratic Party and an overwhelming through of support to the 'slave power' theory in the north
  • Lincoln- Douglas Debates

    Lincoln- Douglas Debates
    Debates between Republican Lincoln and Democrat Stephen Douglas mostly over slavery, however neither wanted abolition and Lincoln was far from a black civil rights activist
  • Harper's Ferry

    Harper's Ferry
    The second attack by John Brown failed trying to seize arms from Virginia and arm slaves to revolt, this was another warning that horrified the south as it preyed on their greatest fear of slave revolt
  • Democratic Nominations

    Democratic Nominations
    At the Democratic conference in Charleston Stephen Douglas wins majority of nomination, however 50 fire eater delegates of the lower south leave in outrage and form their own convention an run John C. Breckinridge in contention with Douglas, ultimately this would mean a Republican win due to slight party and would lead to war
  • Abraham Lincoln Elected (Republican)

    Abraham Lincoln Elected (Republican)
    The First Republican president, his election causes secession of south carolina and the lower south leading to civil war a few days later
  • Crittenden Proposals (Failed)

    Crittenden Proposals (Failed)
    Created by John J.Crittenden of Kentucky, this proposal failed to pass congress after receiving 0 votes from the Republican party as to not compromise their platform or given into south carolina, these proposals included extending the 36 degree 30 line to the sea, repealing the northern liberty laws and forbidding congress from ever interfering with interstate slave trading
  • South Carolina secede

    South Carolina secede
    South Carolina secede with 169 votes to 0
  • Secession of Florida, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia and Louisiana

    Secession of Florida, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia and Louisiana
    Throughout January 1861 the Deep South secedes to join South Carolina
  • Secession of Texas

    Secession of Texas
    Texas secedes by referendum of 44,330 votes to 13,020
  • Confederate States Formed

    Confederate States Formed
    Seceded states meet in Montgomery, Alabama (The Confederacy Capital) and forms the Confederacy, and appointing a reluctant Jefferson Davis
  • Fort Sumter: Lincoln Resupplies

    Fort Sumter: Lincoln Resupplies
    Lincoln notifies South Carolina that he is going to resupply the fort with only supplies and no weaponry in an effort to peacefully avoid conflict or make the south the initial aggressors if they attack the resupply. SMART
  • Fort Sumter: Attack

    Fort Sumter: Attack
    Leaders of the Confederacy order the attack on the fort before resupply, sparking the Civil War
  • The Civil War begins

    The Civil War begins
    The Civil War officially begins
  • The North begin the war

    The North begin the war
    Lincoln calls for the draft of 75,000 men to serve as militia to reclaim the southern states of america
  • Virginia Secede

    Virginia Secede
    Virginia secede giving the Confederacy more industrial power than it had in the entirety of its current members
  • Secession of Lower South

    Secession of Lower South
    Throughout May, the rest of the lower south secede including Arkansas, North Carolina and Tennessee, however luckily Maryland, Kentucky and Missouri remain
  • The Civil War Ends

    The Civil War Ends
    The Civil war ends.
    The North Wins.
    That's it.