Guest 9a7d4908 dcbb 4c9d b32b 7a2df4d3ec41

Unwind Timeline

  • Tithing Party For Lev

    Tithing Party For Lev
    Lev is a 13 year old boy that is being celebrated at his Tithing party. The religious party is a way of saying to Lev before he sacrifices his life to be unwound. Lev will give parts of his body to people who need his organs or tissues to live.
  • Car crash and escape

    Car crash and escape
    On the way to Lev's ''harvest'', Pastor Dan, Lev and his parents were in a car wreck. A juvey tried to take Lev hostage, tranq shots were fired by the police, but the suspect got away. Pastor Dan yelled "Run, Lev!". Lev ran to the forest where he met up with Connor(suspect) and Risa. Risa was a girl from the bus accident. They were all on the run from being unwound.
  • Baby Girl Didi

    Baby Girl Didi
    Connor, Risa, and Lev took a storked baby off of someone's front porch while in town. They used this baby to trick the cops and avoid getting caught by the juvey cops.
  • Escaping the school

    Escaping the school
    They went to the school and hid out in the bathroom stalls. When the bell rang, Lev ran to the office to rat out Connor and Risa. He was afraid of getting in trouble for stealing the baby. He called Pastor Dan who told him to go live the life that he deserves. Lev felt bad for telling, so he pulled the fire alarm to escape.
  • Sonia's Antique Shop

    Sonia's Antique Shop
    Sonia takes in Risa and Connor for four days Sonia helps the unwinds. Didi goes back to Hannah the teacher after the four days Sonia has everyone that stays in her cellar write a letter to a loved one. She will send the letter after they turn 18 unless they turn to her.
  • The Graveyard

    The Graveyard
    The runaway teenagers are brought here to teach them different skills until they turn 18. Admiral Dunfee is the group leader. Roland is a bully who wants to be the leader. He lies about The Admiral and what goes on in the Graveyard. Connor is asked to be a spy for the Admiral to find out who killed the Goldens. The Goldens are kids who help the Admiral run the Graveyard that were found died in a crate on the plane.
  • The Fight

    The Fight
    Connor tries to get Roland to admit to killing the five Golden's that were in crate 2933. So, Connor locked Roland into the same crate. Risa tries to protect The Admiral from the mob trying to get into the jet. The mob was the group of unwinds that wanted to know what happened to Roland and Connor. They threw rocks at the jet, punched Admiral in the face and sprayed him in the eyes.
  • Admirals Heart Attack

    Admirals Heart Attack
    The Admiral had a heart attack during the riot in the graveyard. Pilot Cleaver died so Roland had to fly the helicopter with Risa and Connor. At the hospital, the teenagers were taken to the harvest camp. The Admiral refused to get a new heart from the unwound.
  • Harvest Camp

    Harvest Camp
    At the Harvest Camp, Roland had to get unwound because of his blood type. Risa didn't have to because she was in the band. Connor was next to be unwound, but the clappers besides Lev caused an explosion. Lev helped Connor and Risa survive. Risa was paralyzed from the waist down. Connor gets a new eye and an arm from Roland. The arm has a shark tattoo. Risa refuses a new spine from an unwind because if you are disabled you can't be unwound. Lev leaves the hospital to live with his brother.
  • The New Leader

    The New Leader
    The Admiral was weak from his heart attack and asked Connor to be the new leader of the Graveyard. The Admiral finds out who received the body parts of his son who has been unwound years ago. The Admiral organized a reunion to honor his son's life.