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United States History

  • Proclamation of 1763

    This proclamation did not allow colonists to settle west of the Appalachian Mountains. The British government feared the conflict between colonists and Native Americans would lead to war. They also could not afford to pay British troops to defend the western lands. Colonists were enraged by this proclamation because they felt they had won the right to settle in the Ohio River Valley after winning the French and Indian War.
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    United States Hisotry

  • Quartering Act

    This was a cost-saving measure that required the colonies to quarter,or house British soliders and provide them with supplies. King George III caused this by trying to enforve the proclamation and to keep peace with Britain's Native American allies . As a result , the colonists were very annoyed.
  • Stamp Acts

    A law that required all legal and commercial documents to be stamped when a tax has been paid. This law applied to all colonists and caused some tension with the colonial leaders .
  • Townshend Acts

    Parliament passed the Townshend Acts to raise revenue, It places duties , imports taxes on glass , paint , lead , and tea . Also, other colonists felt it violated their natural rights .
  • Tea Act and Boston Tea Party

    Parliament passed the Tea Act which gave tax on tea and had Britain have control over the American Tea Trade , This angered the colonial shippers and merchants , In the Boston Tea Party , the Sons of Liberty threw the tea over the Boston Harbor to protest the tax .
  • Intolerable Acts

    Parliament passed the Intolerable Acts , which closed the port of Boston until colonists payed for the destroyed tea. Also , they banned comitteess , allow British to house troops wherever , and allow Britain officials accused of crimes to stand trial in Britain. This caused delegates to be sent to the First Continental Congress.
  • Olive Branch Petition

    The Olive Branch Petition was a document that asked the king to restore peace between the colonies and Britain . The king rejected the petition and sent out punishments for the colonies. Their last hope for peace had gone , until the Declaration of Independence.
  • Battle of Lexington and Congress

    700 British troops are sent to Lexington and are met by 70 militiamen. Fight begins with "the shot heard around the world" and 8 militiamen were dead. British tropps march to Concord and destroy supplies, causing a fight with militiamen and minutemen at Concord. This was the first battle of the Revolutionary War .
  • Declaration of Independence

    Richard Henry introduces a resolution that calls for the colonies to break up with Britain . Comittee choses Thomas Jefferson to write the Declaration of Independence . July 4, 1776 , continental congress adopts the Declaration of Independence . This meant the colonies were considered free.