United States Civil War

  • Period: to

    United States Civil War

  • Jefferson Davis speaks for slavery

    Jefferson Davis speaks for slavery
    Mississippi Senator Jefferson Davis demonstrates resolutions as to why slavery should be allowed in the territories.
  • Cooper Union Address

    Cooper Union Address
    Lincoln gives the Cooper Union Address, where he stated that the Federal Government would be banning slavery in new territories. This was Lincoln's most moving speech and most people believe it won him the presidency.
  • The Pony Express

    The Pony Express
    The Pony Express began by going from Saint Louis, Missouri to Sacremento, California. It had 119 stations that were each 12 miles apart. It was a better way of improving communication.
  • Constitutional Union Party is formed

    Constitutional Union Party is formed
    The members of the American and Whig parties met in Baltimore and formed the Constitutional Union Party, They elected John Bell to be their candidate to run for president and Edward Everett as their candidate for vice president.
  • Grace Bedell wrote to Lincoln

    Grace Bedell wrote to Lincoln
    Grace Bedell, an 11 year old young girl, wrote to Lincoln. In her letter she told him that a beard would make his face look more healthy and appealing because it was so thin. Lincoln then decided to let a beard grow out.
  • Abraham Lincoln Elected President of the United States

    Abraham Lincoln Elected President of the United States
    Abraham Lincoln of Illinois wins the 1860 Presidential Election by obtaining 180 electoral votes. Lincoln won 39% of the popular vote and would become Chief of Party for the Republicans.
  • Secession is urged in the south

    Secession is urged in the south
    Seven senators and twenty-three representatives present a manifesto urging southern secession. It recommended forming a Southern Confederacy.
  • South Carolina Secedes from the Union

    South Carolina Secedes from the Union
    South Carolina had enough and decided to secede from the Union.
  • South Carolina Congressman

    South Carolina Congressman
    The South Carolina Congressmen resigned due to secession.
  • South Carolina's Declaration

    South Carolina's Declaration
    South Carolina issued their "Declaration of the Immediate Causes Which Induce and Justify the Seccession of South Carolina from the Federal Union".
  • Star of the West is fired upon

    Star of the West is fired upon
    Star of the West, an unarmed merchant vessel secretly carrying federal troops and supplies to Fort Sumter, is fired upon by South Carolina artillery at the entrance to Charleston harbor.
  • Kansas admitted

    Kansas admitted
    Kansas is admitted as a state with a constitution that will prohibit slavery,
  • Confederate States of America are formed

    Confederate States of America are formed
    The Confederate States of America is formed with Jefferson Davis, a West Point graduate and former U.S Army Officer, as President.
  • Abraham Lincoln Sworn In

    Abraham Lincoln Sworn In
    Abraham Lincoln is sworn in as the sixteenth President of the United States of America.
  • Fort Sumter Attacked

    Fort Sumter Attacked
    At 4:30 A.M the Confederate general, General Pierre Beauregard, opened fire with fifty cannons upon Fort Sumter in Charleston, South Carolina.
  • Lincoln calls for men

    Lincoln calls for men
    Lincoln calls for 75,000 militiamen and summons a special session of Congress for July 4th.
  • More states secede from the Union

    More states secede from the Union
    Virginia secedes from the Union. Up until May 20th, Arkansas, Tenessee, and North Carolina also seceded from the Union.
  • Robert. E Lee resigns

    Robert. E Lee resigns
    Colonel Robert E. Lee resigns his commission in the United States Army.
  • Capital of the Confederacy

    Capital of the Confederacy
    Richmond becomes the capitol of the Confederacy.
  • General is replaced

    General is replaced
    George B. McClellan, thirty-four, replaces the aging Winfield Scott as general-in-chief of the Union armies.
  • Fort Henry captured

    Fort Henry captured
    General Ulysses S. Grant captures Fort Henry located in Tennessee. Ten days later he accepts the unconditional surrender of Fort Donelson. This is where he recieved his nickname, "unconditional surrender."
  • Union wins Shiloh

    Union wins Shiloh
    General Ulysses S. Grant wins the Battle of Shiloh, but still suffers tremendous losses in his troops.
  • Conscription

    The Confederacy starts to use conscription in order to get more soldiers to fight in the war.
  • New Orleans captured

    New Orleans captured
    Union fleet commander, David G. Farragut, captures New Orleans from the Confederacy.
  • Battle of McDowell

    Battle of McDowell
    Stonewall Jackson’s Shenandoah Valley campaign begins successfully with a victory at the Battle of McDowell in Virginia.
  • The Prayer of Twenty Millions

    The Prayer of Twenty Millions
    Horace Greely of the New York Tribune publishes The Prayer of Twenty Millions. It was a plea for Lincoln to liberate slaves in the Union.
  • Battle of Antietam

    Battle of Antietam
    There is a major battle in Antietam, Maryland. Both sides suffer tremendous losses and it is one of the bloodiest battles of all time.
  • Preliminary Emancipation Proclamation

    Preliminary Emancipation Proclamation
    President Lincoln issues the Preliminary Emancipation Proclamation.
  • McClellan relieved

    McClellan relieved
    General McClellan receives Lincoln’s order relieving him of command of the Army of the Potomac.
  • A Win for Lee

    A Win for Lee
    Robert E. Lee decisively wins the Battle of Fredericksburg.
  • Emancipation Proclamation

    Emancipation Proclamation
    Lincoln issues the Emancipation Proclamation, which declares that slaves in the seceded states are now free
  • Federal Draft Act

    Federal Draft Act
    President Lincoln signs a Federal Draft Act to volunteer more soldiers to fight the war without them having to actually volunteer.
  • Battle of Chancellorsville

    Battle of Chancellorsville
    Lee hands the Army of the Potomac another serious loss at the Battle of Chancellorsville. “Stonewall” Jackson is wounded during the battle.
  • Stonewall Jackson dies

    Stonewall Jackson dies
    After getting shot, Stonewall Jackson develops pneumonia and dies on May 10.
  • Battle at Brandy Station

    Battle at Brandy Station
    Confederate cavalry under Jeb Stuart clash with the Union mounts of Alfred Pleasonton in an all day battle at Brandy Station, Virginia. Some 18,000 troopers, approximately nine thousand on either side take part, making this the largest cavalry battle on American soil.
  • Battle of Gettysburg

    Battle of Gettysburg
    The Battle of Gettysburg is fought in Pennsylvania. General George G. Meade compromises his victory by allowing Lee to retreat South across the Potomac. This battle last until July 3.
  • Battle of Vicksburg

    Battle of Vicksburg
    After a long siege, Confederates surrender Vicksburg to Ulysses S. Grant, which secured the Mississippi River for the Union.
  • Riots

    Violent riots erupt in New York City in protest to the draft. People were every upset about randomly being called to war.
  • Gettysburg Address

    Gettysburg Address
    Lincoln delivers his famous speech, the Gettysburg Address, in which he demonstrates the nation’s fundamental principle that all men are created equal.
  • Battle of Chattanooga

    Battle of Chattanooga
    After three days of battle, the Union victory at Chattanooga, Tennessee, opens the way for Union advancement into the heart of the Confederacy.
  • Lieutenant General Ulysses S. Grant

    Lieutenant General Ulysses S. Grant
    After being commissioned to the rank of lieutenant general, Ulysses S. Grant is given official authority to command all of the armies of the United States.
  • Battle of the Wilderness

    Battle of the Wilderness
    The Battle of the Wilderness in Virginia is the first of a bloody series of month-long squarrels between Ulysses S. Grant and Robert E. Lee.
  • Battle of Cold Harbor

    Battle of Cold Harbor
    The Battle of Cold Harbor results in many Union deaths. Grant prepares for a ten month siege of Petersburg.
  • Repeal of Fugitive Slave Laws

    Repeal of Fugitive Slave Laws
    President Lincoln signs a bill repealing the fugitive slave laws.
  • High security at the Capital

    High security at the Capital
    Confederate forces under Jubal Early fire upon the defenses of Washington, D.C., putting the Capital in a state of high alert.
  • Battle of Mobile Bay

    Battle of Mobile Bay
    Union Admiral David G. Farragut wins the Battle of Mobile Bay.
  • Cedar Creek

    Cedar Creek
    A Union victory at Cedar Creek scares the Confederates and ends the threat in the Shenandoah Valley.
  • Lincoln re-elected

    Lincoln re-elected
    Lincoln is reelected President, with Andrew Johnson as his Vice President.
  • March to the sea

    March to the sea
    Sherman leaves Atlanta and begins his “march to the sea,” in an attempt to demoralize the South and speed up their surrender.
  • Lincoln's birthday present

    Lincoln's birthday present
    Savannah falls to Sherman’s army without resistance. Sherman gives the city to Lincoln as a Christmas present.
  • 13th Amendment

    13th Amendment
    Congress passes the Thirteenth Amendment, which abolishes slavery throughout the United States.
  • Columbia destroyed

    Columbia destroyed
    Columbia, South Carolina, is almost completely destroyed by fire, most likely set off by Sherman’s troops.
  • Lincoln inaugurated

    Lincoln inaugurated
    Lincoln is inaugurated as President for a second term.
  • Appomattox campaign begins

    Appomattox campaign begins
    The Appomattox campaign begins, with Grant’s move against Lee’s defenses at Petersburg, Virginia.
  • Richmond occupied

    Richmond occupied
    Union troops take over and occupy Richmond.
  • Lee surrenders at Appomattox

    Lee surrenders at Appomattox
    Robert E. Lee surrenders his Army of Virginia to Grant at the Appomattox Courthouse.
  • John Wilkes Booth shoots Lincoln

    John Wilkes Booth shoots Lincoln
    John Wilkes Booth shoots President Lincoln at Ford’s Theater and Secretary of State William H. Seward is stabbed and wounded in an assassination attempt inside his Washington home.
  • Lincoln dies

    Lincoln dies
    President Lincoln dies, and his Vice President Andrew Johnson is inaugurated as President.
  • Jefferson Davis captured

    Jefferson Davis captured
    Jefferson Davis is captured and taken prisoner near Irwinville, Georgia.
  • Assassins death sentence

    Assassins death sentence
    All eight conspirators are convicted for the assassination of President Lincoln; four are sentenced to death.
  • The Liberator

    The Liberator
    The last issue of the Liberator was published. The newspaper had now becames unnecessary because the slaves had been free.
  • Jesse James

    Jesse James
    The first day light bank robbery takes place in Liberty, Missouri. This was carried out by Jesse James and his gang, although no one is quite sure where Jesse James fits into this event.

    The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals is founded in New York by Henry Bergh.
  • The Nickel

    The Nickel
    Congress approved the minting of a five cent piece, known as the nickel.
  • 14th Amendment

    14th Amendment
    The 14th amendment is ratified. This gives civil rights to all the freed African Americans.
  • Tennessee

    After the Civil War Tennessee became the first state readmitted to the Union
  • The General of the Army

    The General of the Army
    Congress passed the legislation making General of the Army a rank. Ulysses S. Grant was the first to hold this title.
  • Atlantic Cable

    Atlantic Cable
    The Atlantic Cable was built allowing transatlantic telegraph communication for the first time.
  • Train robbery

    Train robbery
    The first train robbery took place. The Reno brothers ran away with $13,000
  • Jesse and the gang

    Jesse and the gang
    Jesse James and his gang robbed a bank in Lexington, Missouri. They got away with $2,000.
  • African Americsn MALES given the right to vote

    African Americsn MALES given the right to vote
    African American males were given the right to vote in Washington D.C. Congress overcame President Johnson's veto to give the African Americans this right.
  • Jesse James in Savannah

    Jesse James in Savannah
    Jesse James robbed a bank in Savannah,Missouri. The attempt failed with one death.
  • First Reconstruction Act

    First Reconstruction Act
    The first reconstruction act set up five military districts in the South, each under the control of a military commander.
  • Ride ins

    Ride ins
    African Americans staged a ride on streetcars in New Orleans to protest segregation.
  • Alaska

    President Andrew Johnson announced the purchase of Alaska. It is the second to last state added to the United States of America.
  • Third Reconstruction Act

    Third Reconstruction Act
    Johnson vetods the third reconstruction act which described lection procedures in the South and re-established congressional control over the Reconstruction.
  • Johnson suspends Stanton

    Johnson suspends Stanton
    Johnson suspended Stanton as Secretary of War after the two fought over reconstruction plans. Johnson placed Ulysses S. Grant in the position.
  • Alaska is gained

    Alaska is gained
    The United States takes full control of Alaska by purchasing it from Russia for 7.2 million dollars.
  • Impeachment

    Congress looked into impeaching Johnson for his lack of unwillingness to follow through with the idea of reconstruction.
  • Grange

    Former Minnesota farmer Oliver Hudson Kelley found the Order of the Patrons of Husbandry.