Unit One Timeline

  • Oct 12, 1492

    Columbus discovers America

    Columbus discovers America
    Christopher Columbus accidently found America in search for new sea routes. He was not the first to find America, Vikings landed on what is Canada now i nthe 10th century.
  • Jamestown Colony created

    There was 144 men who landed on the Jamestown colony and named it after King James 1. The man were in search of gold and were told that if they didnt find any gold then their financial support would end.
  • Massachutes Bay Colony created

    King James 1 granted John Winthrop and a group of men a peice of land beween Massachutes Bay and Charles river. In the 1630's over 20,000 people came to Massachutes. John Winthrop was governor four times.
  • New Amsterdam becomes New York

    New Amsterdam becomes New York
    Four English ships sailed into New Amsterdam harbor and demanded that the New Netherlands surrender and then this lead to a war between the English and the Dutch. in 1665 New Amsterdam was under English law and became New York City.
  • Albany Congress meets

    The English Board of Trade called a congress meeting to discuss two problems faced by colonies. 23 deligates went to Albany from June 19 to July 11. The problems were, people were stealing their lands, an illegal English-French trade was preventing them from making a profit.
  • George Washington assualts Fort Duquesne

    George Washington assualts Fort Duquesne
    Washington wrote his complaints to the Speaker of the House because he was mad about the supplies and support of the assembly and the governor. 700 men from four colonies defeat the French and capture Fort Duquesne.
  • The French and Indian War concludes

    The French and Indian War concludes
    The French and Indian War was the last of four big colony wars between the British, French, and their Native American allies for power of North America. France won the war,and had better relations with the Indians and they exchanged firepower. But, the population of New France was way smaller than the English colonies, and France gave fewer and fewer supplies and troops to help the colony. After Louisbourg and Quebec, France wanted peace in 1763.This led to the American Revolution.