Unit 5 Timeline Project

  • Creek

    The creek fought Andrew Jackson battle of Horeshoe Bend War in 1812 becuase they saw how Choctaw and Sac/Fox were being trwated and resisted to move. In 1836 they were removed.
  • Chickasaw

    Saw how the Choctaw, Sac/Foxl, and Creek were being trreated by Andrew Jackson and negociated. They wanted a ride to the new Indian Territory and money for food. they were removed in 1836.
  • Era of Good Feelings

    Era of Good Feelings
    The Era of Good Feelings was a peaceful time of pride and progress. It was a happy time in 1815.
  • The emergence of Sectionalism

    The emergence of Sectionalism
    This event will go through the whole timeline. Sectionalism was disagreements between different states.
  • Erie Canal

    Erie Canal
    THe Erie Canal was one of the biggest project to happen.The Erie Canal was vital tot he development to the United State, it ran from New York City and was connected to the Alantic Ocean,
  • Missouri Compromise

    Missouri Compromise
    A disagreement between different regions. Congress considered Missori applications to become a slave state. Missouri became a Union asa slave state and Maine joined the Union as a free state. To keep the balabce they made a compromise .
  • McCulloch v. Maryland

    A cashier who worked in the bank's branch refused to pay taxs and the state took him to court, and later, the case went further more, al the way to the U.S. Supreme Court. The court ruled that the national bank was constituonal.
  • Sequoya writes the Cherokee language

    Sequoya writes the Cherokee language
    In 1821, a man named Sequoya wrote the language the Cherokee spoke. He made it possible for the Cherokee to read and write.
  • Election Of John Qincy Adams (1824)

    Election Of John Qincy Adams (1824)
    Jackson spporters said that Adams had made a Corupt Bargain with Henry Clay. He won the election becuase he had more electroal votes.
  • 1825 Cherokee Capital Of New Echota founded.

    1825 Cherokee Capital Of New Echota founded.
    New Echota was the capital for Cherokee Nation in 1825 to 1830, becuase in 1830 they were forced to move.
  • Tariff of Abominations

    Tariff of Abominations
    Before Andrew Jackson went into office, congress places a high tax on imports, the southerners were angry and called this the Tariff of Abominations.
  • 1827 Cherokee Consitition written

    1827 Cherokee Consitition written
    The constitution of the Cherokee Nation, was formed by a convention of Delegates from several districts, at the New Echota on July,1827.
  • Andrew Jackson election (1828)

    Andrew Jackson election (1828)
    Andrew jackson was known as many thing, murderer, adulter, and hero. The election of 1828 was known as one of the dirtiest election to ever happen. Jackson spread rumors about John Quincey Adaams and there was a couple things said about Jackson too. Jackson still won the election in the end.
  • 1829 Gold is Discovered in the Cherokee Nation

    1829 Gold is Discovered in the Cherokee Nation
    In 1829, gold was discovered in the Cherokee Nation, the state law banned cherokee from mining gold. It was Americas first gold rush.
  • Indian Removal Act

    Indian Removal Act
    The Indian Removal Act is when the goverment authorized the Native Americans who lived the the east side of Mississippi river to move in the west.
  • Cherokee Nation v. Georgia

    Cherokee Nation v. Georgia
    The Cherokee Nation was seeking a federal injuction against laws that were passes by state of Georgia . The laws were hateful and limited the Cherokee Nations rights.
  • Worcester v. Georgia

    Worcester v. Georgia
    The Worscestere v. Georgia is where it was the Indians vs. Georgia. The court ruled that the Cherokee nations was a distict community in which Georgia had no force,
  • President Vetos the Bank

    President Vetos the Bank
    President Jackson vetos the 2nd National Bank of America becuase he did not belive one bank should control all the financial strengh in the nation. Jackson also beleved that the bank would serve the people who had money richer.
  • Choctaw

    In 1832, the choctaws were relocated to a new area and were forced to walk to the new Indian Territory. Congress outlawed their goverment and congress limited their rights.
  • Sauk Removal

    .Cheif Black Hawk, a leader of the Sauk led his people in harm to protect their land in Illinois, but they started to run out of food and water, By 1850 they were forced to leave Florida and sign a removal treaty but they ignored it.
  • Election of Martin Van Buren

    Election of Martin Van Buren
    The election of Martin Van Buren is when the Damocrats nominated Vice preisident Van Buren to run for president. There was a group call "The Whig Party" and had member run against him. The lost and Martin Van Buren won the election.
  • The Panic of 1837

    The Panic of 1837
    The Panic of 1837 is when Martin Van Buren ran for office and won, after he took office, the counrty experienced a ecomic depression.
  • Trail of Tears

    Trail of Tears
    The Trail of Tears is where an Indian Nation, the Cherokee, had to walk 800 miles in the winter becuase they had to find another Indian Territory. It was cold and a lot of the Indians died.
  • The Crumberland Road

    The Crumberland Road
    The cumberland Road, also known as the National Road, was the first road built by the federal goverment,