Unit 5 Culminating Timeline

  • Period: to


    Before 1980, disabled people in Canada were put into inhumane conditions in asylums, mental hospitals and institutions. Deinstitutionalization is when in the 1980s disabled people are released from large-scale institutions. Civil rights campaigns for disabled people's rights caused a demand for political change, making the Charter of Rights and Freedoms include disability as a protected category.
  • Passing of the Canada Act

    The British House of Commons passed this act, ending British jurisdiction over Canada
  • Free Trade Agreement

    Free Trade Agreement
    There is a trade agreement between the United States and Canada, bringing the countries together and improving their relationsip
  • Montreal Massacre

    Montreal Massacre
    A man called Marc Lépine entered armed with a gun into a classroom in École Polytechnique in Montreal, divided the men and women, and killed the women while saying "You are all feminists" He killed 14 women and then killed himself
  • Meech Lake Accord Collapse

    Meech Lake Accord Collapse
    The Meech Lake Accord was an amendment to the Canadian Constitution to try to strengthen provincial powers and call Quebec a "distinct society". It collapsed mostly because of Elijah Harper's "no" vote.
  • Oka Crisis

    Oka Crisis
    There is a land dispute between the Mohawk of the Kanesatake reserve and the Oka municipal government. The government wanted to build a golf course on Mohawk burial grounds, and the Mohawk set up blockades to prevent any construction to be made. A police officer was killed, and the Canadian army had to intervene. Finally, on September 26, the Mohawk left the blockades, and the golf course was cancelled
  • Creation of Nunavut

    Creation of Nunavut
    The creation of Nunavut, or "Our Land", was the result of persistence and dedication by the Inuit to the Canadian government, requesting the creation of another territory for themselves.
  • Idle No More Movement

    Idle No More Movement
    This day was the peak of the Idle No More Movement, a campaign protesting the introduction of Bill C-45, which enabled the government to take aboriginal land without any permission. This day, around 50 events took place around the world to raise awareness towards aboriginal civil rights.