Aztec ancient temple  76982 34

Unit 3B World History Timeline - Matthew Helbig

  • Period: 575 to Dec 31, 1510

    Aztec, Chinese Civilizations, and Mongol Culture Struggles (Exact dates are not 100% accurate, as much is debatable in days and months) (Click here for Thesis)

    No civilizations ever conceived has gone without its fair share of cultural alterations. All nations go through this, and the Chinese, Aztecs, or even the Mongols are no exceptions to this. The common entity of change between these civilizations involves learning (or beginning) new ideologies and practices throughout (or for) their rule, whereas they remained stagnant with their religious views and practices.
  • Dec 20, 690

    Buddhist influence peaks in China

    Backed by Empress Wu, Buddhism began to be highly venerated in China once more, a great change to the otherwise overlooked religion. This change brought the ideology back into the minds of the Chinese people, albeit by being force fed, and helped the religion to grow better standings with the other religions.
  • Jun 19, 700

    Hopewell Culture is Enriched

    It was estimated that around 700 C.E. that the Hopewell culture was enriched by an outside force, believed to be from Mexico. From this, an interesting change occured in which the Hopewells had stepped temples and, on occassion, large burial mounds, similar to that of Mexico.
  • Apr 8, 840

    Buddhist Persecution

    Despite Empress Wu's good intentions, her tried Buddhist upbringing would be brought to a hold by another change, that of Emperor Wuzong. Through Wuzong, open persecution of Buddhists began, including laws against them and destruction of their property.
  • Sep 26, 968

    Tula is established by the Toltecs

    Tula is established by the Toltecs
    Tula, capital to the Toltecs, served as the breeding grounds and beginning to the Toltec's culture, as it was the first settled land made by the nomadic peoples. This important change began a culture the Aztecs would later model after, including a militaristic ethic, features of sedentary peoples, and beginning the cult of human sacrifice.
  • May 14, 1050

    Invention of Movable Block Printing

    The invention of a movable block printing brought great change to the production of written records. With the movable type's change, the Chinese achieved a level of literacy that excelled other civilizations'.
  • Aug 17, 1150

    Fall of the Toltecs

    The Toltecs lasted only until around 1150 C.E., but with their fall brought a great change to their land not only politically but culturely as well. With the Toltec's fall, the river valley became flooded with a massive mixture of outside cultures, all trying to take over the unclaimed land, bringing in a new ruling similar to the city-states of Europe.
  • Oct 4, 1206

    The Mongol State is Formed

    Under the rule of Ghengis Khan, a unifying change is brought to the Mongolian Steppe in which the clans are brought together. Through Genghis Khan, the Mongolian Steppe is brought together as a single nation, a powerful change that few civilizations could rival.
  • Jan 7, 1260

    Reign of Kubilai Khan in China

    Although a political change in the form of a new ruling body, the Mongols that ruled over China kept a continuation of beliefs. When the Mongols, under the rule of Kubilai, took control of China, much of the culture to the Mongols was left intact to let them be seperate and unique.
  • Feb 11, 1428

    Aztecs continue Polytheism

    Aztecs continue Polytheism
    With their rise to power in 1428, the Aztecs would not only continue human sacrifice as the Toltecs did, but the religious polytheism as well. Many meso-american cultures followed this prior, and this continuation shows how the religious views of the past were well venerated to the Aztecs.
  • May 19, 1428

    Aztecs continue Human Sacrifice

    Like their successors of centuries before, the Aztecs would take part in the cult of human sacrifice when they would take power in 1428. This continuity spanned centuries, as well as expressed the Aztec's similar religious taste as their predecessors.