Unit 3 Timeline

  • Sep 25, 1517

    Fight For Religion

    Martin Luther begins the Protestant Reformation my protesting against the Catholic Church.
  • Enter the Pilgrims

    The Pilgrims were Separatist, who left England to Holland in order to be able to practuce their religion. But they did not like the influnce of Dutch culture. In order to keep their English culture they move to the Americas.
  • No Church

    Roger Williams founds Rhode Island after being banished from the Massachusetts Bay Colony. This new Rhode Island colony is a place of religious freedom and Williams also made a pact with the Natives to live in peace.
  • An Elite agaisnts Elites

    Nathaniel Bacon brings the poor Vorginians who are being abused by Natvies, together to go aginst the Govener William Berckly.
  • The Forest is Claimed

    William Penn, a Quaker imagrates with other Quaker families to the America and founds Pennsylvania colony.
  • Fight The Man

    From 1676 to 1739 more revolts of lower class peple begin to appear. In that tomespan there are four revolts. Bacon's Rebeilion, Leisler's Rebeilion, New York City slave revolt, South Carolina slave revolt.