
Unit 10

  • Period: to


  • 14th Amendment

    14th Amendment
    to the Constitution was ratified on July 9, 1868, and granted citizenship to “all persons born or naturalized in the United States,” which included former slaves recently freed
  • 15th Amendment

    15th Amendment
    prohibits each government in the United States from denying a citizen the right to vote based on that citizen's "race, color, or previous condition of servitude"

    is an African-American civil rights organization in the United States
  • 19th Amendment

    19th Amendment
    prohibits any United States citizen to be denied the right to vote based on sex

    was created to combat the discrimination that Hispanics face in the United States
  • Delgado v. Bastrop ISD

    Delgado v. Bastrop ISD
    made the segregation of children of Mexican descent in Texas illegal.
  • Brown v. Board of Education

    Brown v. Board of Education
    was a landmark United States Supreme Court case in which the Court declared state laws establishing separate public schools for black and white students unconstitutional. The decision overturned the Plessy v. Ferguson
  • Great Society Programs

    Great Society Programs
    Two main goals of the Great Society social reforms were the elimination of poverty and racial injustice
  • Betty Friedan

    Betty Friedan
    Wrote the book The Feminine Mystique in an effort to allow women to choose the lifestyles they wanted
  • “I Have a Dream” speech

    “I Have a Dream” speech
    The speech, delivered to over 250,000 civil rights supporters from the steps of the Lincoln Memorial during the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom, was a defining moment of the American Civil Rights Movement
  • 24th Amendment

    24th Amendment
    both Congress and the states from conditioning the right to vote in federal elections on payment of a poll tax or other types of tax. The amendment was proposed by Congress to the states on August 27, 1962, and was ratified by the states on January 23, 1964.
  • Civil Rights Act of 1964

    Civil Rights Act of 1964
    was a landmark piece of legislation in the United States[1] that outlawed major forms of discrimination against racial, ethnic, national and religious minorities, and women.[2] It ended unequal application of voter registration requirements and racial segregation in schools, at the workplace and by facilities that served the general public
  • Dr, Martin Luther King, Jr.

    Dr, Martin Luther King, Jr.
    was an American clergyman, activist, and leader in the African-American Civil Rights Movement Civil Rights Leader most associated with the March on Washington as well as winning the Nobel Peace Prize
  • Cesar Chavez

    Cesar Chavez
    was an American farm worker, labor leader and civil rights activist,Championed the economic rights of migrant workers
  • Black Panthers

    Black Panthers
    was an African-American revolutionary socialist organization active in the United States from 1966 until 1982 Used strategies to achieve equal rights, which included violent forms of protest as well as militant groups
  • Thurgood Marshall

    Thurgood Marshall
    was an Associate Justice of the United States Supreme Court, serving from October 1967 until October 1991. Marshall was the Court's 96th justice and its first African-American justice.
  • Edgewood ISD v Kirby

    Edgewood ISD v Kirby
    Landmark case in Texas, redistributed property taxes to poorer districts, led to Robin Hood legislation
  • assassination of martin luther king jr.

    assassination of martin luther king jr.
    Assassination year of Martin Luther King Jr.
  • Tinker v Des Moines

    Tinker v Des Moines
    Ruling was that the 1st Amendment applies to public schools with regards to regulating speech in the classroom
  • 26th Amendment

    26th Amendment
    the states and the federal government from setting a voting age higher than eighteen