Unit 1 Post Assesment

  • Angela is Born

    Angela is Born
    Princess Angela is born into the Royal Sakai Family; the ruling family of the Kingdom of Superior.
  • Princess Angela's Magial Powers Are Discovered

    Princess Angela's Magial Powers Are Discovered
    Almost 4 years after the birth of the princess, it was discovered that she had magical powers. Princess Angela loved to dance, and when she danced, she had the power to make all others within 50 feet of her dance.
  • The Great War Continued

    re unable to fight as well. In the crowded area, the dancing soldiers tripped and stumbled over each other, resulting in many sprained ankles, and other injuries.
  • The Great War

    The Great War
    Many years later, a great war broke out between the Kingdom of Superior and a neighboring kingdom. The enemy troops were charging into the Sakai land, and Prince Nick, Angela’s younger brother, was crying in the castle. To try to cheer him up, the princess started to dance. Then, everyone in the castle, and the soldiers surrounding it, started to dance. The Superior Kingdom’s soldiers were too busy dancing, and were unable to fight. Fortunately, the enemy soldiers were laughing too hard, and we
  • The Quest for Persuasion

    The Quest for Persuasion
    The King was infuriated; he blamed the princess for the great number of soldiers who were not only injured, but humiliated in front of the enemy soldiers. He banned the princess from ever dancing again. Princess Angela was sobbing in her room; she had given up any hopes of ever dancing again, when her magical dog, Julie, spoke to her, “Angela, if you want to dance again, all you need to do, is to talk to the wise Witch of Persuasion. She lives at the peak of the mysteriouse Mount Writing.” After
  • The Quest for Persuasion Continued

    many hours of consideration, the princess and her companions; Julie, Nick, and Sakura, her older sister, set off on their dangerous quest to find the Witch of Persuasion.
  • The Evil Witch of Fallacy Continued

    mirked and continued, “Even the Wizard of Reasoning said so, and he’s known to be the wisest wizard in the entire world!” The princess looked down at her feet and sighed, “Yes, I guess you’re right, I will never make it.” “Don’t give up Angela,” said Sakura, “don’t let the witch’s illogical reasoning make you quit.” “You’re right,” said Angela, “dancing is my passion, and I can’t give up on it.”
  • The Evil Witch of Fallacy

    The Evil Witch of Fallacy
    After many days and nights of endless walking up the steep paths of the mountain, the princess and her companions came across a small cave. To protect themselves from the heavy rain, they ran inside. They did not know that the cave was home to the evil Witch of Fallacy. “Hello there,” she said, startling the travelers,” you must be the royal parade they’ve all been talking about. Well, let me tell you Princess, that you are never going to make it, because everyone thinks you’re not.” The witch s
  • The Witch of Persuasion

    The Witch of Persuasion
    Over 2 months after the travelers left the castle, they finally made it to the peak of Mount Writing. The Witch of Persuasion was waiting for them. “You have made a long a treacherous journey,” said the good witch, “I will reward your perseverance with the ability to persuade.” With that, the witch disappeared.
  • The Princess Returns

    The Princess Returns
    When the royal children returned, the kingdom was overjoyed. Princess Angela was able to persuade her father, the King, into letting her dance again. The princesses and prince not only gained the ability to persuade, but they also learned that anything can be accomplished if they don’t give up.