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Unit 1 French Indian War

  • Oct 12, 1492

    Columbus "discovers" America

    Columbus "discovers" America
    Christopher Columbus discovered the Americas in 1492 and the people called it "The new world."
  • Jamestown Colony created

    Jamestown Colony created
    On May 14th, 1607 the Virginia Company Explorers landed on Jamestown Island, to establish the first Virginia colony.
  • Massachusetts Bay Colony created

    Massachusetts Bay Colony created
    The Massachusetts Bay Colony was founed because the people wanted religous freedom from the king.
  • New Amsterdam becomes New York

    New Amsterdam becomes New York
    The city of New Amsterdam became New York on Feb. 2nd 1663.
  • Period: to

    Albany Congress meets

    Albany Congress met at this time to resolve two problems Ohio Valley of the American Colonies, and the english board of trade.
  • George Washington assaults Fort Duquesne

    George Washington assaults Fort Duquesne
    George Washington led the British to the assualt on the French fort. This was during the French and Indian War.
  • The French and Indian War concludes

    The French and Indian War concludes
    The French and Indian war ended on this day because of the British and French signing a peace treaty.