unit 1 French and Indian War

  • Aug 3, 1492

    Columbus "discovers" America

    Columbus "discovers" America
    Columbus stumbled on America on his way to Asia for Gold.
  • Jamestown Colony created

    Jamestown Colony created
    Jamestown was the first succesful english settlement in the new world.
  • Massachusetts Bay Colony created

    Massachusetts Bay Colony created
  • New Amsterdam becomes New York

    New Amsterdam becomes New York
    In honor of the duke of your they changed New Amsterdam to the name New York.
  • Albany Congress meets

    Albany Congress meets
    The goverment was suppost to pass laws. The albany congress plan was to stop the french from taking over the Ohio Valley.
  • George Washington assaults Fort Duquesne

    George Washington assaults Fort Duquesne
    It was a large attack and expedition.
  • The French & Indian War concludes

    The French & Indian War concludes
    The war lasted a long seven years.