Unit 1 Background info

By Gmo8930
  • 1215

    Manga Carta

    Manga Carta
    The first document that limited a kings power. We later used it to limit a kings power when creating our government
  • French and Indian War

    French and Indian War
    A battle where the French received military aid from the Native Americans to fight the British. The British won in the end.
  • Boston Tea Party

    Boston Tea Party
    The colonist response to the British Mainland imposing taxes on them. The colonist gathered at a port in Boston and dumped lots of the British tea into the Boston harbor.
  • Continental Congress

    Continental Congress
    The first meeting of State representatives that gathered (except Georgia) to discuss affairs concerning the people of their respective states.
  • Lexington and Concord

    Lexington and Concord
    The first battle of the American Revolution. Shots were fired.
  • American Revolution

    American Revolution
    The war fought by the British colonist against Britain to gain independence from them to become their own country.
  • Declaration of Independence

    Declaration of Independence
    The document written by soon to be Americans telling Britain they they wanted independence from them, and that they were going to create their own country.
  • The battle of Saratoga

    The battle of Saratoga
    The battle fought in the American revolution that convinced the French to join the war and aid America in their fight against the British
  • Battle of Yorktown

    Battle of Yorktown
    The battle in the American revolution that the Americans (with the aid of the French) won over the British. This was the last battle of the war and America finally gained independence.
  • U.S. Constitution

    U.S. Constitution
    This was the document that set the foundation of what the American government was during that time. This government gave the people the power.
  • Industrial revolution

    Industrial revolution
    A time in America where factory production soared. This occurred mainly in the North of America and it generated lots of profit for America.
  • Battle of Ft. Sumpter

    Battle of Ft. Sumpter
    The first battle in the civil war where the south attacked the north. This started the civil war.
  • Emancipation Proclamation

    Emancipation Proclamation
    The document written by president Abraham Lincoln that essentially freed the slaves. This was written during the civil war.
  • Battle of Gettysburg

    Battle of Gettysburg
    The battle on the civil war that suffered the most deaths of any battle in the war. It is referred to as the turning point in the war as the north was gaining leverage over the south.
  • Appomattox Ct. House

    Appomattox Ct. House
    The last battle in the civil war where the south surrendered to the north. This was the end of the Civil war and finally gave slaves freedom.