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Ulyesses S. Grant

  • Birth

    On April 27, 1822 Ulysses S. Grant was born in a small village known as Point Pleasant Ohio, near Cinncinatti. As a small boy his family moved to the the town Georgetwon Ohio. At the age of 14 Grant looked for higher education. Finally Grant was appointed as a replacement to West Point University, this is where he recieved his military education.
  • Marriage

    In the May of 1844 Grant proposed to Juila Dent. He then left to vist his parents and upon his return was notified that he was engaged. Although the marriage was postponned due to his call to duty in the military, Julia and Ulysses did get married and had four children.
  • Mexican American War

    Mexican American War
    In 1844 Grant was called upon to serve in the Mexican American War as a quarter master. During the war Ulysses climbed in ranks and began to make a name for himself. Grant fought in many important battles during the war such as Chapultepec and Buena Vista. The Mexican American War is what put Ulysses Grant on the radar per say.
  • Grant Retires

    Grant Retires
    Grant decided in 1854 that it was time for him to settle down and help raise is two children. This is a important event for Grant because he was out of service for years. During his years away from the army Grant had both time to rest and think, both of these became important during the Civil War.
  • Grant Re-enters the Army

    Grant Re-enters the Army
    After years of moving around the country Ulysses re-entered the army, because of the Confederates attack on Fort Sumter. Grant saw a need to fill leadership roles in the army that had opened due to Southern secession. Soon after re-enlisting Grant was promoted to colonel of the 21st Illinois Volunteer Infantry.
  • Battle of Shiloh

    Battle of Shiloh
    By April of 1862 Grant had won multiple battles in the western part of the Confederacy. He was promoted to Major-General of Volunteers about a month before the battle of Shiloh. At the battle Confederates and the Union faced off. The Confederates were trying to protect the town of Cornith Mississippi. If the Union controlled Cornith they would gain control of the railroads in the South. Although the Battle of Shiloh was a costly battle for the Union the battle was a key point in the war.
  • Grant Captures Richmond

    Grant Captures Richmond
    After unsuccessful attempts to create a peace treaty the Union moved to end the war. Grant took Union forces into Virgina and took the Capital, Richmond. This Victory was a huge blow to the Confederate Army
  • The Civil War Ends

    The Civil War Ends
    On April 9th, 1865 Ulysses S. Grant accepted the surrender of the Northern Confederate Army. Robert E Lee surrendered to Grant in the town of Appomattox Court House, Virginia. The surrender officially ended the American Civil War.
  • Presidential Election of 1868

    Presidential Election of 1868
    On May 24th, 1868 the Republican Party nominated Grant as their presidential canidate for the election of 1868. After campaigning on the slogan "Let us have peace", Grant was elected President of the United States of America on November 3rd 1868. Then on March 4th 1869 Ulysses S Grant was elected the 18th President of the United States.
  • The 15th admendmant

    The 15th admendmant
    After the Civil War, a civil rights movement began in America. Grant saw the need for equality throughout the nation and passed the 15th amendment of the Constitution. This amendment gave African-American males the right to vote.
  • Yellowstone National Park

    Yellowstone National Park
    In Grant's last year of his first term he chose to make Yellowstone the first national park. The land was now protected by the government. Without Grant naming yellowstone a national park it is unknown if America's natural beauty would have been protected.
  • Re-election

    In June of 1872 the Republican Party nominated Grant to run for a second term. He accepted the offer and carried 31 of 37 states on his path to re-election. On March 4th, 1873 Ulysses Grant was once again inaugurated as President.
  • Civil Rights Act

    Civil Rights Act
    After large amounts of conflict throughout the U.S President Grant finally passed the Civil Rights Act. This is arguably one of Grant's biggest "accomplishments". Shortly after passing the act Grant announced he would not be running for a third term.
  • Death

    After retiring from politics Grant and his wife took a world tour, upon their return Ulysses was diagnosed with throat cancer. After Grant heard this news he began writing his accounts of the Civil War, which eventually were published by Mark Twain's publishing company. Then on July 23, 1885 Grant died after years of service, and leadership.