
UHM Timeline

  • Inception

    Inception with UHM leadership, Boston Medical Informatics, and ThoughtWorks (Porto Alegre, Brazil)
  • OpenMRS Reference Application

    OpenMRS Reference Application
    The PIH EMR at UHM was used as the starting point of the OpenMRS Reference Application (RefApp). There had been a great need to separate the UI from the backend. The RefApp addressed this issue.
  • Hospital opened

    Hospital opened
    University Hospital at Mirebalais opens doors and phases in various department openings over the first weeks. Outpatient, Surgery, Emergency, Inpatient, etc.
  • Outpatient clinic relocated

    Outpatient clinic relocated
    With a tremendous number of outpatient patient visits, the "Klinik Ekstèn" was relocated to the CDI which is a separate building around 1km from the main hospital building. The EMR has been available since the day it relocated.