U.S, Revolution

  • Albany Plan of Union

  • Period: to

    french and indian war

    There was a lot of conflict between the american colonist and French people. So the French and their indian allies had begun a war with the Americans. All of the colonists and Parliament were in debt.
  • Period: to

    The American Revolution

  • Writs of Assistence

    Court orders that authorized officers to conduct searches
  • Pontiacs war

    2 women indian women were publicly executed and the native americans felt that the british were trying to make them seem subordinate, the warriors of many native american nations banded together under chief pontiac to attack the british they killed or captured 2000 colonists, the british and the indians made peace by creating a boundary line at the appalachian mountains in hopes that the future settlers would look for no quarrel with the indians.
  • proclamation of 1763

    On May 7 it marked the end of the revolution in 1763 and was a great relief to the colonists, but it also stated that the colonists would not expand westward. England wanted to create 4 new colonies, to the south and north. Many of the colonists were hoping to expand to the west, and were disappointed.
  • sugar act

    after the french indian war britain was in debt and this was one of the taxes it put in place, It made the colonists pay 2 shillings for every hundred pounds of sugar, The colonists saw the tax as unreasonable.
  • currency act

    The currency in america was causing inflation of the british pound, the colonists didn’t feel it was fair to abolish all of their currencies accept the pound, the colonies suffered a trade deficit with britain.
  • stamp act

    The Parliament imposing the first direct tax to the colonies to offset to the high costs of British military organization.How the Act of the Parliament affected the colonist was put taxes on sugar, newspapers, and etc. Which affected the colonists. How this affected the colonists was that they united for an opposition. Which lead by the people most affected.
    4.Boycott: to combine in abstaining from, or preventing deals
  • Policy of Non-Importation

  • Period: to

    quartering act

    Allowed royal troops to stay in houses or in empty buildings. But only if barracks weren’t available.
  • townshend acts

    A new series of taxes. How the colonists were affected was that they had to pay even more money on paints, newspapers, and etc. How the Parliament affect the colonists was that they made more taxes for people to pay.
  • boston massacre

    On the evening of March 5, 1770, five civilians were killed in the massacre. The victims include: Crispus Attucks, Samuel Gray, James Caldwell, Samuel Maverick and Patrick Carr. This massacre invoked the colonists to rebel against the throne. This caused the throne to retaliate.
  • tea act

    The British Parliament taxed the tea and the colonists would have to pay taxes for their tea. How all of this affected the Parliament was that they would be able to more money. Also this affected the colonists to. The colonists got really mad and started thing called the Boston Tea Party.
  • Boston Tea Party

    The British started taxing their tea, this made the colonists angry so as a result they disguised themselves as mohawk indians and dumped the tea into the harbor.
  • quebec act

    Granted civil government and religious freedom to Catholics living Quebec.
  • Coercive Acts

    After the boston tea party the british started the coercive acts to reassert the 13 colonies, it provoked the colonists and ended up creating the continental congress
  • continental Congress

    The colonists reaction to the coercive acts lead to the continental congress, soon leading to the United States of America.
  • Continental Army

    The rebels felt they needed an army and congress made one and appointed George Washington commander and chief of that army, It formed all militiamen into the army of over 30,000 men, as a result the colonists had an army to fight their war.
  • battle of bunker hill

    The the patriots wanted to keep the british from leaving the city and they got a message that they were leaving so the patriots invaded the hills around boston, Over 450 patriots were killed, wounded, or captured and the americans lost the battle, the british learned that the patriots were formidable fighters and that they were willing to give their lives for the cause.
  • new england restraining act

    Was put into place July 1, 1775, stating that the colonies were to trade only with Great Britain, in hopes it would keep the colonists dependent on the throne. This upset many colonists who depended on trade with other countries.
  • olive branch petition

    Was adopted July 5, 1775 by the Second Continental Congress, and submitted to King George three days later. Draphted by John Dickinson, the petition stated the rights of the colonists, while maintaining loyalty to the crown. King George refused to read it, and claimed it rebellion.
  • Prohibitory Act

    parliament put this act into effect due to the american rebellion, it prohibited trade with the colonists and all american ships could be seized as if they were an enemy power, congress responded by giving american ships the right to seize british ships as if they belonged to an enemy power.
  • Lexington and Concord

    the british troops came to seize arms and munition. The militia found out and fought against them.
  • Restraining acts

  • 2nd continental congress

    they convened after the battles of lexington and concord, the meeting was brought together so they could try one last time to make peace with britain through the olive branch petition and to build a navy and continental army just in case, The british refused to see the olive branch petition and the navy and army went to war.
  • Battle of quebec

    the patriots wanted to push the british out of quebec and enlist french-canadian support, the colonists had about 500 men killed, wounded, or captured during the battle the french canadians that supported the americans were mostly not given a harsh penalty, there were many casualties on the american side and surprisingly few on the british, due to the battle the british thought that quebec needed more soldiers so 9000 redcoats and 4000 hessians were sent to reinforce.
  • common sense (thomas paine)

    Published January 10, 1776, Thomas Paine’s was an instant hit. It helped grow the rebel forces. It made England’s government look stupid and without ‘common sense’. The distribution of this book was a great influence when it came to starting the revolution.
  • Declaration of independence

    On July 1, 1776, congress met together to consider the actions that were to be taken concerning the freedoms of the people. This meeting was called when it became apparent that the people were calling for liberty. Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin wrote the Declaration, which was adopted on that date. This only made parlement even more angry and they continued to send soldiers over to England. The colonists saw this as a call for action.