U.S. History Timeline, S. Myer

By MyerPSK
  • Declration of Independence

    Declration of Independence
    The Declaration of Independence was the document that seperated us from the harsh living Americans had while being controled by the King of Britian. Breaking away from Britian was just the start for our great nation. Now we have a strong government and are one of the longest standing governments'.
  • Official signing of the U.S. Constitution,

    Official signing of the U.S. Constitution,
    The U.S. Constitution was drafted in Idependence Hall, which was also where the Articles of Confederation was signed. The Constitution was signed by 31/ 48 delegates on September 17 1787. It has stayed a part of this country from that day forward. Read More;
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    Lewis & Clark's expedition

    Lewis and Clark helped us discover new plants and animals in the west after President Jackson bought the Louisiana Purchase. Sacagawea was also a huge part because her and her baby resembled peace. They wound up finishing their mission with everything President Jackson had hoped, except one thing, an all water route connecting the Mississippi river to the Pacific Ocean.
  • James Marshall finding Gold.

    James Marshall finding Gold.
    James Marshall finding gold was a huge turning point for America. When gold was found in Califoria those people who found it became instantly rich. Many people came, wanting to strike rich to support their families and never have to work again.
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    World War II

    World War II was a tradgedy for the world. Hitler was a dictator, wanting more control and land. Consentraton camps were a huge impact, Jews would be sent there to be slaughtered. It took us years to defieat him.It was the largest conflict in history. There was a total of 55 million deaths. All because one dictator was so thirsty for victory and power.
  • "I Have a Dream" Speech

    "I Have a Dream" Speech
    Reverend Martin Luther King is one of the most well respected men in the United States. His speech given at the front steps of the Lincoln Memorial was world renound. He spoke of a better time, when racism was no longer around. When people were not judged because of their skin color. This was a huge step in equal rights for America. Dr. Martin Luther King changed the way people acted towards eachother.

    <a href='http://http://www.archives.gov/press/exhibits/dream-speech.pdf' >'
  • Apollo 11 landing

    Apollo 11 landing
    In race with the Soviet Union, America was determined to have the first people to walk on the moon. Apollo 1 was the first tragedy when it blew up, killing 3 astronauts on January 27, 1967. Apollo 11, carrying the first people to walk on the moon, changed the United States. It showed us just how far we have come from being ruled by Britian, and overcoming the Great Depression.
    Learn more;
  • Birthday

    I am the middle child with and older sister (Emily,16) and a younger brother (Gabriel,10). I dance a total of 11 hours a week. I like food and sleep. I am really close to my mom and I made her a mug last week which was pretty amazing.
  • Terrorist attack on 9/11

    Terrorist attack on 9/11
    The Terrorist attack of 2001 September 11th was one of the most tragic events in the world.Terriost hijacked 2 planes, crashing them into the world trade center. The imapct the planes had on the buildings made them burn and crumble to the ground. This was a huge impact on the United States. It showed us there were people who didn't appreciate how we run our government, people who could kill 3,000 U.S. citizens but still not be satisfied.