U.S History

  • The Proclamation of 1763

    The Proclamation of 1763
    This act prohibited settlers from crossing West of the Appalachian Mountains. The Great Britain Government did this to limit Western expansion of colonies into Native American territories and to provide British greater control of their colonies. The colonists were unhappy with the proclamation line, but they didn't really care that much. They had to press Westward, but other than that they weren't greatly affected by the boundary.
  • The Sugar Act (Revenue Act)

    The Sugar Act (Revenue Act)
    This act prohibited the importation of all foreign rum in the U.S. from colonies that were not British colonies. Instead of imposing a tax, the British raised the taxes for the goods from the non-British countries so it was cheaper to buy the British rum. The American colonists were angry about this act because they had to pay the higher prices of the British colonies for sugar.
  • The Currency Act

    The Currency Act
    This act prohibited American colonists from issuing (supplying) their own currency. The government made this act to protect British merchants from colonial currency. The American colonists were angry because they couldn't supply their own money, so they protested. There were no silver or gold mines, so they could only get their money and currency through Great Britain. British government could limit amount of currency they had.
  • The Stamp Act

    The Stamp Act
    This act made colonists pay taxes, represented by a stamp. The government passed this law to help pay for British troops stationed in colonies during the seven years war. They also passed the law because the nine colonies had a meeting to declare that the English Crown had no right to tax the Americans. The colonists were furious because they had no taxation without representation because they had to pay taxes to the British and they didn't have anyone in parliament to stand up for them.
  • The Quartering Act

    The Quartering Act
    This act required the American colonists to provide hospitality to British troops. The government passed this law because the British troops were stationed in the colony and they were tired from war. The American colonists were enraged because they had to provide food and shelter for the British troops, even though they didn't want to or agree to.
  • The Declaratory Act

    The Declaratory Act
    This act stated that parliament could make laws by binding (enforcing) the American colonies. The government did this to reassert parliament's authority to pass legislation for American colonies. The colonies were mad because they didn't have any representatives in parliament to stand up for them. The British government are saying that all of the laws that they pass, are the same in the American colonies as they are in the British colonies.
  • The Townshend Revenue Acts

    The Townshend Revenue Acts
    These acts regulated new duties on goods imported into American colonies. The government passed these acts because they were trying to get more money from the colonies, make sure that the colonies were doing what they wanted them to do, and make sure that the colonists were in debt to them. The colonists were mad and there were protests, so much so that they stopped importing goods like tea to Britain.
  • The Boston Massacre

    The Boston Massacre
    A small fight between the British soldiers and the American colonists. Cause: acts angered colonists (Quartering Act). Effect: colonists name-calling colonists who were throwing snow at them. 5 colonists were killed.
  • The Tea Act

    The Tea Act
    This act granted the company the right to ship its tea directly to the colonies without first landing it in England, and to commission agents who would have the sole right to sell tea in the colonies. The government did this because the East India Co. had 18 million pounds of unsold tea. The colonists probably felt overwhelmed because the government held the tea in the port, the colonists couldn't unload the cargoes of tea in the harbor. The British ship crews stalled the tea.
  • The Boston Tea Party

    The Boston Tea Party
    This was a political protest at Griffin's Wharf that started because of how angry the American colonists were because of the "taxation without representation" and taxing on the tea so they took a bunch of tea and dumped it into the wharf (342). Some of the colonists were taking tea and stuffing it into their pockets.
  • The Intolerable Acts

    The Intolerable Acts
    This act was made to punish the misbehaving Massachusetts colonists from the Boston Tea Party. The colonists probably felt angered, but the bad ones must have felt really furious because the bad ones had to follow the government authority.
  • The Battle of Lexington and Concord

    The Battle of Lexington and Concord
    This was a small battle that turned into a big battle between the British and the Minute Men. The Minute Men won the first 2 battles, they gained more confidence and less of them died while they killed most of the British soldiers. Americans won.
  • The Battle at Bunker Hill (Breed's Hill)

    The Battle at Bunker Hill (Breed's Hill)
    The final fight between the British and the Minute Men. The Minute Men chose to build fortification on Bunker Hill (Breed's Hill). The B. troops burned Charlestown. General Hose lead 3 charges at the fort and killed 140 colonists. There were supply shortages. The British won.
  • The Declaration of Independence

    The Declaration of Independence
    A document signed by the founding fathers, that was approved by the Continental Congress. All 13 colonies agreed to declare their independence from the control and power of Great Britain.
  • The Battle of Trenton

    The Battle of Trenton
    Battles that took place at Long Island, Manhattan, and Trenton. The American's won and freed New Jersey from the British rule. The American's took control of Trenton.
  • The Battle of Saratoga

    The Battle of Saratoga
    The American's won the second battle and the British won the first battle. They fought over New England land. Spain and France became foreign allies with America. America gained confidence.
  • The Battle of Valley Forge

    The Battle of Valley Forge
    George Washington and his army of men had an encampment at Valley Forge to prepare and get ready for the next battle. There were food supply shortages and diseases that killed nearly 2,00 men. They were the continental army.
  • The Battle of Yorktown

    The Battle of Yorktown
    A battle between the British Army and the Franco-American Army. It was important because they needed to solve their problems on the battle field and the Americans didn't like being controlled by the British, so the French and the Americans teamed up due to their power and weapons.
  • The Treaty of Paris (1783)

    The Treaty of Paris (1783)
    John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, John Jay, Henry Laurens, and Thomas Jefferson all made the articles of peace (10) that helped decide and held the rights of the new nation America. The Americans and the British made peace with the Treaty and they were free from British rule.
  • Period: to

    Westward Expansion

    American colonists wanted a new start in their lives so they moved westward towards Oregon. This was nationalism because it included the whole nation of the United States and they all moved together.
  • The 3/5 Compromise

    The 3/5 Compromise
    Three fifths of all other persons (slaves) get to vote for representatives in congress. The Southern states benefit from this because they own many slaves so they get more votes and more power than the North states. This was sectionalism because this compromise allowed the South to have more votes and more power than the North and that makes the South stronger.
  • The Whiskey Rebellion

    The Whiskey Rebellion
    The United States government put taxes on whiskey that was being imported into all of the states and no one wanted to buy it because of that and the colonists got angry and made a mob. The mob was heading for a fort with many soldiers in it so George Washington made the decision to send the US militia after the colonists because the colonists were intimidated by the army and they would back down to them.
  • States Rights (Amendment 10)

    States Rights (Amendment 10)
    Amendment 10 states the colonists rights that they have. Many Southerners felt that the federal government was becoming too powerful. This demonstrates sectionalism because they divided the states power so there is not one big power.
  • XYZ Affair

    XYZ Affair
    The U.S was mad at the French for destroying their ships so John Addams (the President) sent 3 representatives to try and negotiate with the prime minister but the prime minister sent 3 of his French governors to talk to them. The French people tried to bribe the Americans, but they didn't listen.
  • Alien and Sedition Acts

    Alien and Sedition Acts
    The Americans were worried about any Europeans teaming up with the French so they passed the Alien and Sedition Acts. The Alien act stated that the President could imprison or deport anyone who could be a threat who was not from the U.S. The Sedition act stated that it was a crime to say anything bad or false about the government.
  • Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions

    Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions
    The Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions were created because the Democratic Republicans and Anti-Federalists thought that the Alien and Sedition Acts were an abuse of power and these acts interfered with the Constitutional rights of that every state has. This Resolution insisted that the states could invalidate any law they found unconstitutional.
  • The Embargo Act

    The Embargo Act
    The Embargo Act prohibited American ships from leaving the port to go to any foreign country, which cut off trade with the world. It was made because France and Britain were attacking our ships.
  • Period: to

    The Underground Railroad

    The Underground Railroad was a network of routes, places and people that helped the enslaved people from the American south escape to the North. The Underground Railroad helped to guide 100,000 slaves to freedom. This act was sectionalism because it helped only the section of slaves in South, not anywhere else and it only helped escape a section of slaves when there could've been more that never got to see freedom.
  • The War of 1812

    The War of 1812
    The War of 1812 happened because England and France kept attacking U.S ships and taking the merchants and sailors from them. There was a debate to either declare war or not to declare war, and majority voted to declare war. Also many jobs such as farmers and merchants were on the line.
  • McCulloch v. Maryland

    McCulloch v. Maryland
    Anti- Federalists (Maryland) wanted a national bank but it was an implied power so the federalists (McCulloch) got mad because they believed in expressive powers that are word for word right from the Constitution. The Constitution stated that the nothing can limit Congress's powers and it never stated that Congress can make a national bank so the two sides got angry at each other. The government voted in McCulloch's favor.
  • Compromise of 1820 (Missouri Compromise)

    Compromise of 1820 (Missouri Compromise)
    This compromise admitted Missouri to be a slave state and Maine as a free state. This law also prohibited slavery in the north of the Louisiana territory. This was sectionalism because it only singled out Missouri saying it was a slave state and it allowed the other ones to be free.
  • The Monroe Doctrine

    The Monroe Doctrine
    The Monroe Doctrine was made to prohibit the now free Latin America countries from colonizing in America. President Monroe made this to protect America from interfering in any foreign wars going on.
  • Nat Turner's Rebellion

    Nat Turner's Rebellion
    Nat Turner was an enslaved man who was born on a plantation in Virginia. He became a preacher and leader of enslaved Africans. He lead a rebellion of enslaved people called Nat Turner's Rebellion. They first went to Nat's master's house and they killed their entire family. He believed he was called by God to deliver his people from slavery. This was sectionalism because only the slaves participated in it and not the whole nation.
  • Compromise of 1850

    Compromise of 1850
    This compromise consisted of five laws that dealt with slavery and territorial expansion.California entered the Union as a free state and a territorial government was made in Utah. The Fugitive Slave Act was amended. Slave trade in Washington was put to an end. This connects to sectionalism because these acts were helping each of the states that it helped become better places.
  • Fugitive Slave Law

    Fugitive Slave Law
    This law made slaves return to their owners, even if they were located in a "free" state. It also made the federal government responsible for finding and returning those slaves to their original owners. This was sectionalism because it intensified debate over slavery and it was only about the slaves and returning them to their owners, not the whole nation.
  • Harper's Ferry

    Harper's Ferry
    This was an assault by an armed band of abolitionists led by John Brown on the federal armory located at Harpers Ferry, Virginia. It was the main precipitating incident to the American Civil War. This was intended to be the first stage in a plan to free slaves in Maryland and Virginia. This demonstrated sectionalism because it only helped the slaves in Maryland and Virginia, not the full nation with slaves.
  • Secession

    This was the withdrawal of 11 southern states. In these states slaves were legal. This was followed by the election of Abraham Lincoln as president. President Lincoln fought the states that withdrew. This was the cause of the American war. This secession was sectionalism because it was only 11 of the states in the U.S that withdrew, not all of them.
  • Emancipation Proclamation

    Emancipation Proclamation
    This was a law made during the Civil war by Abraham Lincoln in order to free all of the slaves. This showed nationalism because it freed the slaves from their owners and helped the nation become free.