U. S. History

  • Abolitionist

    Abolitionist fought to end slavery. Journalist like William Henry Garrison wrote antislavery newspapers. The idea was to show that slaves needed to be freed.
  • Transcendentalists

    Transcendentalists believed in creating a better society by bettering oneself. They also believed that religion and political parties corrupted an individual.
  • Temperance

    Women started going against the bad of alcohol. They felt that their husbands should not be drinking as much as they did bacuse nothing good was coming out of it.
  • Seneca Falls

    Seneca Falls
    Women met to discuss the rights they felt they deserved such as being able to inherit land, vote and sign contracts.
  • Free Soils Party

    Free Soils Party
    Free Soils Parties wanted freedom for all and there be no slavery.
  • Radical Republicans

    Radical Republicans
    The radical republicans opposed Andrew Johnson's idea for reconstruction. They also opposed the spread of black codes and wanted the republican party to expand in the south.
  • Labor Unions

    Labor Unions
    In a labor union people worked on different areas to create one product. The hours were long and pay was cheap. The enviornment wasn't so safe. The Haymarket Square Riot ended labor unions.
  • Populist Party

    Populist Party
    The Populist party formed from the farmer's alliance and grangers. They wanted to build a new political party. They supported farmersand their beliefs,
  • Progressives

    Progressives wanted to change society by having people fight together that shared common problems such as discrimination. Separation of races was big during this time.