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Primer Odyssey

  • 1200 BCE

    Trojan War Part 1

    Trojan War Part 1
    Summary: The Trojan War was a war between the kingdoms of Troy and the kingdoms of Greece. It started when Paris abducted Menelaus’ wife and he decided to return the “favor” with a war. Odysseus was the hero of that war and he helped the Greek defeat the Trojans. He was one one of the 50 men in the horse, and killed the guards so that they could break the walls of the city of Troy.
  • 1200 BCE

    Trojan War Part 2

    Trojan War Part 2
    Analysis: Because of Odysseus’ help, the Greeks won the war and probably wouldn’t have without him. The war allowed him to gain so much respect from them. He was an invaluable to the Greeks and was said to be the most trusted counselor and adviser. His fight along with his men showed how hard workers they are. They weren’t fearful and were true, loyal fighters.
  • 1200 BCE

    Cyclops Part 1

    Cyclops Part 1
    Summary: After Odysseus got his men to leave The Lotus-Eaters, they arrived on the land of Cicones. This land was for Cyclops like Polyphemus who didn’t take liking for these Zeus worshipers. He ate his men, but Odysseus had a plan to defeat him. He said his name was “Nohbdy”. He his under sheep and escaped to his ship, sailing away with his men.
  • 1200 BCE

    Cyclops Part 2

    Cyclops Part 2
    Analysis: Odysseus proved how skillful and clever he was in this event. Cyclops were irregular, one eyed, giant creatures that regular sized Odysseus defeated. When he went by the name Nohbdy, it was so Polyphemus would cry for help and say “nobody is attacking me”. It made him look insane. This gave them enough time to escape from the Cyclop.
  • 1200 BCE

    Circe Part 1

    Circe Part 1
    Summary: After not getting help from Aeolus, they sailed unknowingly of a destination. They finally reached one and ended up at ,the goddess, Circe’s. One of Odysseus men was skeptical of this queen, and he had the right to be. The men got turned into pigs, but Odysseus persuaded her to turn them back. They ended up staying for years until he was reminded of reaching home.
  • 1200 BCE

    Circe Part 2

    Circe Part 2
    Analysis: This scene of The Odyssey showed Odysseus’ weakness. He couldn’t actually really do anything because he was a mortal and she was a goddess. He also showed some cleverness by protecting himself against her magic. He fell short in this situation because of lust.
  • 1200 BCE

    Sirens Part 2

    Sirens Part 2
    Analysis: This event was significant because it made Odysseus the first man to hear the Siren’s song and live to tell about it. It also showed the shipmates strength in holding Odysseus back. They could have let Odysseus go when he kept asking p, but they didn’t. They redeemed their loyalty to Odysseus after opening the bag of wind.
  • 1200 BCE

    Scylla Charybdis Part 2

    Scylla Charybdis Part 2
    Analysis: In this scene, Odysseus loses some of his shipmates. He is still one step closer to reaching Ithaca, which is his main goal. They weren’t very cleaver in this scene, seeing as if they would have remembered to just sail instead of trying to fight it off, some of his men still could’ve been alive. They still made it pass, so Odysseus is satisfied.
  • 1200 BCE

    Helios’ Cattle Part 2

    Helios’ Cattle Part 2
    Analysis: This event holds significance because it’s where Odysseus loses his men. The men who he protected and stood by, broke their promise, and paid the price because of it. Odysseus also learned a great lesson about standing on what you believe. He should have told them they were not to rest, but instead he hearkened to the needs of his shipmates.
  • 1200 BCE

    Lotus-Eaters Part 1

    Lotus-Eaters Part 1
    Summary: After the war, a series of unfortunate events occurred during Odysseus’ journey. He went from Troy, to Ismarus, to the land of the Lotus-Eaters. These were people who seemed harmless , but the lotus was what was so destructive. The men ate it and it made them lose sight of longing to reach home. Odysseus overcame the flower’s powers and put them all on the ship and locked them up so.
  • 1200 BCE

    Lotus-Eaters Part 2

    Lotus-Eaters Part 2
    Analysis: Odysseus showed leadership here. While the rest of the men were just easily led on by the Lotus-Eaters, Odysseus didn’t allow them to persuade him to eat so much of the fruit, he wouldn’t want to leave. His shipmates all just followed after one another without even questioning it. He showed strength and and led his men to their goal of reaching home, like a true leader.
  • 1200 BCE

    Aeolus Bags Of Wind Part 1

    Aeolus Bags Of Wind Part 1
    Summary: When Odysseus is living the Land of the Cyclops, Aeolus, the king gave Odysseus a bag of the winds of the earth. Only Odysseus knew what the bag contained. While Odysseus was sleeping, the men checked to see what was in the bag. Where they hoped to find silver and gold, they found wind that brought them back to Cyclop Land, and Aeolus didn’t help them again.
  • 1200 BCE

    Aeolus Bags Of Wind Part 2

    Aeolus Bags Of Wind Part 2
    Analysis: This event showed the relationship between Odysseus and his shipmates. They waited until he was sleep to look in the bag, which showed that they didn’t trust him. Their distrust led them back to square 1. It also showed Odysseus’ calm attitude, how he didn’t chide them for what they did, but just went on, continuing the quest.
  • 1200 BCE

    Sirens Part 1

    Sirens Part 1
    Summary: Circe gives him instructions to get back home, but first he has to pass the island of these mermaids called the Sirens. They sing a seductive song that makes lures the sailors to them, they eventually end up dying from being drowned. Odysseus has his men wear ear plugs and bind him to the ship so that he wouldn’t die, but his ears were still open. They made it pass the tempting mermaids.
  • 1200 BCE

    Scylla and Charybdis Part 1

    Scylla and Charybdis Part 1
    Summary: After getting pass the Sirens, that wasn’t the only body off water they would be facing. They had to face the whirlpool of Charybdis that swallows ships daring to cross its path. They also had to deal with the six headers beast, Scylla, who swallows a sailor per head. Having six heads, Scylla ate 6 of his shipmates. He was told to not try to fight her, yet he did, but he then remembered to just row his boat quickly to escape.
  • 1200 BCE

    Helios’ Cattle Part 1

    Helios’ Cattle Part 1
    Summary: Getting closer to the end of this horrid journey, Odysseus arrives at the Island of Sun, where Odysseus didn’t want to stay. One of his shipmates persuaded him to stay because the men needed a break. The men had to promise to not eat the cattle, but they were starving, and they did. Helios found out they ate his cattle and told Zeus to punish them. He killed all of them except Odysseus.
  • 1200 BCE


    Sum: Finally, Odysseus reaches his home he’s longed for, Ithaca. He kills all of the men in his home trying to replace him in his marriage to Penelope. His wife doesn’t just welcome him with open arms. She tests him and sees that he is who he says he is, and they have so much to catch up on from the 25 years of his absence. Their marriage won’t be the same, filled with nothing but love, but their will be many times filled with pain. All that matters is that Odysseus is finally home.
  • 1200 BCE

    Suitors/Home Part 2

    Suitors/Home Part 2
    Analysis: This is the most important part of The Odyssey. Odysseus finally makes it home but his suffering still isn't over. He went through so much to get back home to his wife, but it wasn’t all he expected. He learned so much on this journey and tried his best to stay loyal to his wife after all his tribulations.