Transportation Timeline

By lct6156
  • Main source of transportation

    Main source of transportation
    In 1800, the main source of transportation available to the public was the horse and carriage.
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    Transportation in the 1800's

  • Trains in the 1800's

    Trains in the 1800's
    In 1804 the first steam-powered railway journey in the world took place.
  • Jefferson's Transportation System

    Jefferson's Transportation System
    The United State's third president Thomas Jefferson, wanted to ease the struggle of trade and transportation. He created a system that involved roads, rivers, and railroads. It also included manually digging waterways.
  • Steamboats

    Around the middle of the 1800's, the use of steamboats had increased
  • The world of the motor

    The world of the motor
    In 1885 the first petroleum fueled "motorcycle" was created.
  • Public Transport

    Public Transport
    In 1895, public transport became more readily available because some people had the idea to make trolleys, which were basically buses pulled by horses.
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    Transportation in The 1900's

  • The First Airplane

    The First Airplane
    On December 17, 1903 Wilbur and Orville Wright, more commonly known as the Wright Brother, took flight in their first aircraft.
  • Underground Transportation

    Underground Transportation
    In 1904 transportation reached new lengths.Underground transportation became possible with the creation of the subway.
  • Automobiles

    In 1908 Henry Ford introduced the Model T automobile.
  • Increasing Airlines

    Increasing Airlines
    In 1914, the first passenger airline service was created. In the late 1920's airlines began offering regularly scheduled passenger flights.
  • Rockets

    IN 1926 the first liquid propelled rocket was launched.
  • Helicopters

    In 1940 a modern version of the helicopter was invented.
  • Man On The Moon

    Man On The Moon
    On July 20, 1969 a spacecraft full of a team of astronauts landed on the moon. This landing was the product of the advancement of technology and transportation methods.
  • Humans In Space!

    Humans In Space!
    On April 12, 1981, the first space shuttle mission was put into action.
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    Modern Transportation

  • Modern Automobiles

    Modern Automobiles
    In 2016 Waymo the Google car was invented. The google car is a project created by Google that tests the driverless car system.