Transportation History

By ahw6699
  • 3000 BCE

    Horses were used for transportation

    Horses were used for transportation
    Horses were used in the 3,000 BC.
  • 2700 BCE

    The Egyptians used boats.

    The Egyptians used boats.
    The Egyptians begin using wooden ships for trade by sea in 2,700 BC.
  • 1 CE

    Romans built roads

    Romans built roads
    The Roman Empire created roads for the people to travel by.
  • 1100

    Invention of the compass

    Invention of the compass
    The compass was invented in Europe in 1100
  • Bridgewater canals opened.

    Bridgewater canals opened.
    The first bridge water canal was made.
  • Hot air balloons are invented.

    Hot air balloons are invented.
    The hot air balloon and the hydrogen balloon are invented.
  • Steamships use the English Channel.

    Steamships use the English Channel.
    Steamships begin crossing the English Channel.
  • The first steamboat crosses the Atlantic.

    The first steamboat crosses the Atlantic.
    The Savannah becomes the first steamship to cross the Atlantic.
  • The first passenger railway opens.

    The first passenger railway opens.
    The first passenger railway opens for passengers.
  • The car is invented

    The car is invented
    The first car was invented in 1885.
  • The first passenger plane was made.

    The first passenger plane was made.
    Planes begin carrying passengers between London and Paris.
  • A hovercraft was invented

    A hovercraft was invented
    The hovercraft is invented by Christopher Cockerell.
  • The first speed camera is made

    The first speed camera is made
    Speed cameras are introduced into Britain.
  • The first Segway was made.

    The first Segway was made.
    the Segway PT self-balancing personal transport was launched by inventor Dean Kamen in 2002.
  • The first personal Rapid Transit system was installed in 2010.

    The first personal Rapid Transit system was installed in 2010.
    Ultra PRT, the first modern commercial Personal Rapid Transit system to be installed. Started operations at Heathrow Airport.