
Top 10 Computer History

  • Vanaver Bush

    Vanaver Bush
    He developed a partly electronic engine.
  • Kurt Godel

    Kurt Godel
    He published a paper on the usa of a universal formal language.
  • Alan Turing

    Alan Turing
    He developed the concepe of a theoretrical computing machine.
  • Konrad Zuse

    Konrad Zuse
    Creates the Z1 computer binary digital computer using punch tape
  • George Stibitz

    George Stibitz
    Develops the complex number calculator
  • Howard Aekin & Grace Hopper

    Howard Aekin & Grace Hopper
    They designed the MARK series of computers at Havard University

    John Presper Ecker & John W, Mauchly Developed the ENIAC (Electronic Numeral Intergator and Computer).
  • F.C. Williams

    F.C. Williams
    He developed his cathody-ray tube (CRT) storing devices the forerunner to random-acces memory (RAM)
  • Pilot ACE

    Pilot ACE
    Donald Watts Davis joins Alan Turing to build the fastest digital computer in England at the time, the Pilot ACE.
  • Andrew Donald Booth

    Andrew Donald Booth
    He events Magnetic drum memory.